49 (49)    MH REPORT (601.93)

Name Value
.|.|Multidimensional Health Locus of Control: Form C||Date Given: <.Date_Given.>|Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|Location: <.Location.>||Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>|DOB: 
<*Answer_5506*>|14. Following doctor's orders to the letter is the best way to keep my condition from getting any worse.|    <*Answer_5507*>|15. If my condition worsens, it's a matter of fate.|    
<*Answer_5508*>|16. If I am lucky, my condition will get better.|    <*Answer_5509*>|17. If my condition takes a turn for the worse, it is because I have not been taking proper care of myself.|    
<*Answer_5510*>|18. The type of help I receive from other people determines how soon my condition improves.|    <*Answer_5511*>| |  |    $~
<.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)|Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>||MHLC Form C Scores|   INTERNAL (range 6-36): <-INTERNAL->|   CHANCE (range 6-36): <-CHANCE->|   DOCTORS (range 3-18): 
<-DOCTORS->|   OTHER PEOPLE (range 3-18): <-OTHER PEOPLE->||Questions and Answers|1. If my condition worsens, it is my own behavior which determines how soon I will feel better again.|    
<*Answer_5494*>|2. As to my condition, what will be will be.|    <*Answer_5495*>|3. If I see my doctor regularly, I am less likely to have problems with my condition.|    <*Answer_5496*>|4. Most 
things that affect my condition happen to me by chance.|    <*Answer_5497*>|5. Whenever my condition worsens, I should consult a medically trained professional.|    <*Answer_5498*>|6. I am directly 
responsible for my condition getting better or worse.|    <*Answer_5499*>|7. Other people play a big role in whether my condition improves, stays the same, or gets worse.|    <*Answer_5500*>|8. 
Whatever goes wrong with my condition is my own fault.|    <*Answer_5501*>|9. Luck plays a big part in determining how my condition improves.|    <*Answer_5502*>|10. In order for my condition to 
improve, it is up to other people to see that the right things happen.|    <*Answer_5503*>|11. Whatever improvement occurs with my condition is largely a matter of good fortune.|    
<*Answer_5504*>|12. The main thing which affects my health is what I myself do.|    <*Answer_5505*>|13. I deserve the credit when my condition improves and the blame when it gets worse.|