5 (5)    MH REPORT (601.93)

Name Value
INSTRUMENT File: 601.71, IEN: 100108
 WHYMPI  Date Given: <.Date Given.> Clinician: <.Staff: Ordered By.> Location: <.Location.>  Veteran: <.Patient Name: Last, First.> SSN:  <.Patient: SSN.> DOB:  <.Patient: Date Of Birth.> (<.Patient:   Age.>) Gender: <.Patient: Gender.>  This is a sample report to help you get started. Use the right button of the mouse to display editing options (these also appear in the "Tools"menu and the   Navigation panel). Instructions appear in the lower panel and change depending upon the location of the mouse. You will need to delete this paragraph later.  <_Script_1_>   $~    <_Script_1_>=Please indicate who your significant other is:`101620`7. Other (please describe)`100985`Equals``````The name was not in list.~