.|.|Geriatric Anxiety Inventory||Date Given: <.Date_Given.>|Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|Location: <.Location.>||Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>|DOB:
<*Answer_5525*>|20.I often feel upset.| <*Answer_5526*>||Copyright (c) 2010 The University of Queensland| |Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment and is not
sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with other diagnostic activities and procedures.| $~
<.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)|Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>||GAI Score: <-GAI Score->|| Score Interpretation of Score| ----- -----------------------|
0-8 Absence of clinically significant anxiety| 9 and above Presence of clinically significant anxiety
||Questions and Answers||1.I worry a lot of the time.| <*Answer_5507*>|2.I find it difficult to make a decision.| <*Answer_5508*>|3.I often feel jumpy.| <*Answer_5509*>|4.I find it
hard to relax.| <*Answer_5510*>|5.I often cannot enjoy things because of my worries.| <*Answer_5511*>|6.Little things bother me a lot.| <*Answer_5512*>|7.I often feel like I have butterflies
in my stomach.| <*Answer_5513*>|8.I think of myself as a worrier.| <*Answer_5514*>|9.I can't help worrying about even trivial things.| <*Answer_5515*>|10.I often feel nervous.|
<*Answer_5516*>|11.My own thoughts often make me anxious.| <*Answer_5517*>|12.I get an upset stomach due to my worrying.| <*Answer_5518*>|13.I think of myself as a nervous person.|
<*Answer_5519*>|14.I always anticipate the worst will happen.| <*Answer_5520*>|15.I often feel shaky inside.| <*Answer_5521*>|16.I think that my worries interfere with my life.|
<*Answer_5522*>|17.My worries often overwhelm me.| <*Answer_5523*>|18.I sometimes feel a great knot in my stomach.| <*Answer_5524*>|19.I miss out on things because I worry too much.|