.| .| Veteran Recovery Assessment| | Date Given: <.Date_Given.>| Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>| Location: <.Location.>| | Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>| SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>| DOB:
or more additional friends, please check "Yes, more support".) | <*Answer_5977*>| | 8. Housing| | 8A. Choose the following sentence that best describes your current goal about your
housing:| <*Answer_5978*>| 8B. Choose the following sentence that best describes your current situation:| <*Answer_5979*>| | 9. Employment| | 9A. Choose the following sentence that
best describes your current goal regarding employment:| <*Answer_5980*>| 9B. Choose the following sentence that best describes your current situation:| <*Answer_5981*>| | 10.
Involvement in the Community| | 10A. Choose the following sentence that best describes your current interest in being involved in the community:| <*Answer_5982*>| 10B. Choose the following
sentence that best describes your current situation:| <*Answer_5983*>| | | Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment and is not sufficient to use alone for
diagnostic purposes. Assessment results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with other diagnostic activities and procedures.| $~
<.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)| Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>| | Questions and Answers| | 1. I have my own plan for how to stay or become well.| <*Answer_5966*>| 2. I have goals
in life that I want to reach.| <*Answer_5967*>| 3. I'm hopeful about my future.| <*Answer_5968*>| 4. Coping with my mental illness is no longer the main focus of my life.|
<*Answer_5969*>| 5. I have people in the community I can count on.| <*Answer_5970*>| 6. My mental health providers encourage me to take the lead in setting my personal treatment and life
goals.| <*Answer_5971*>| | 7. Support for Recovery | | 7A. Do you currently get support for your recovery from your spouse or significant other?| <*Answer_5972*>| 7B. Do you
currently get support for your recovery from other family members?| <*Answer_5973*>| 7C. Do you currently get support for your recovery from friends?| <*Answer_5974*>| 7D. Would you
like a change in the kind or amount of support for your recovery that you are getting from your spouse or significant other? (If you do not have a spouse or significant other but want one, please
check "Yes, more support".) | <*Answer_5975*>| 7E. Would you like a change in the kind or amount of support for your recovery that you are getting from other family members?|
<*Answer_5976*>| 7F. Would you like a change in the kind or amount of support for your recovery that you are getting from friends? (If you do not have as many friends as you would like but want one