the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43156,"questionId":3916,"questionText":"Com
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"interpretiveText":null,"lastEditDate":3230109.1841,"lastEditedBy":"Kevin Meldrum","legacy":false,"licenseCurrent":false,"name":"FAST-ORIGINAL","national":true,"normSample":null,"operational":"U","printTitle":"Placeholder for original FAST
questions, choices, and rules","publicationDate":"2023-01-09","publisher":null,"purpose":null,"reference":null,"requireSignature":false,"requiresLicense":"N","scoringRevision":null,"scoringRoutine":null,"scoringTag":null,"staffOnly":null,"s
ubmitNational":true,"suicideriskRoutine":null,"suicideriskTag":null,"targetPopulation":null,"version":null,"wasOperational":false},"report":{"id":219,"instrument":296,"template":"|Functional Assessment Staging\r\n| \r\n| Date Given: <.Da
te_Given.>\r\n| Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>\r\n| Location: <.Location.>\r\n| \r\n| Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>\r\n| SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>\r\n| DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)\r\n| Gender: <.Patien
t_Gender.>\r\n| \r\n| \r\n| PLACEHOLDER FOR DEPRECATED FAST-ORIGINAL\r\n| \r\n| \r\n|Copyright (c) 1984 by Barry Reisberg, M.D., Reproduced with permission.\r\n| \r\n|Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessme
nt and is\r\nnot sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment results\r\nshould be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with other diagnostic activities and procedures."},"rule":[{"booleanOperator":"AND","consistency
introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In th
ksum":348911753,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"FAST-ORIGINAL\", \r\n \"restartDays\": 2, \r\n \"printTitle\": \"Placeholder for original FAST questions, choices, and rules\", \r\n \"content\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"i584\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \
r\n \"text\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the p
atient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutiv
e level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\"
\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3909\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"1. No difficulties, either subjectively or objectively.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional sc
ale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes
\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nurs
ing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since thes
e additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}
e \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the hi
\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3916\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"2. Complains of forgetting location of objects. Subjective word finding\r\n difficulties.\", \r\n \"intro\": \
"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able
to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disabil
ity. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"column
s\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3917\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required
\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"3. Decreased job function evident to co-workers; difficulty in traveling to new\r\n locations. Decreased organizational capacity.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale
designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST admini
stration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in ad
dition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n
{\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3918\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \
ghest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical rele
"text\": \"4. Decreased ability to perform complex tasks (e.g., planning dinner for guests),\r\n handling personal finances (forgetting to pay bills), difficulty marketing, etc.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale d
esigned to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST adminis
tration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in add
ition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional
\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \
r\n {\"id\": \"q3919\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"5. Requires assistance in choosing proper clothing to wear for day, season, or\r\n occasion.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST
scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n p
articipate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For
\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \
r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3920\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false
vance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43158,"questionId":3917,"questionText":"Decreased job function evident to co-workers; difficulty in traveling to new locations. Decreased organizational capacity.","required":false,"responseTypeId":
, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"6a. Difficulty putting clothing on properly without assistance.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dem
entia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiv
er or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (non
consecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\":
\"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3921\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"6b. Unable to bathe properly (e.g., difficulty adjusting bath wa
ter temperature)\r\n occasionally or more frequently over the past weeks.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer
can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing
home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should b
e noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\
", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3922\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"6c. Inability to handle mechanics of toileting (e.g., forgets to flush the\r\n toilet, does no
t wipe properly or properly dispose of toilet tissue)\r\n occasionally or more frequently over the past weeks.\",
\r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the
patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecut
ive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.
\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3923\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQu
estion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"6d. Urinary incontinence, occasional or more frequent.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-
severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n coll
ected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\
r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0
}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3924\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"6e. Fecal incontinence, occasional or more f
requently over the past week.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clin
ical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The F
AST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits
are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\"
: \"q3925\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"7a. Ability to speak limited to approximately a half dozen different words, or\r\n fewer, in the course of an average day or in the course
of an intensive\r\n interview.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful cl
inical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The
FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,
\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\":
0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3926\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"7b. Speech ability limited to the use of a
Id":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the pat
single intelligible word in an average\r\n day or in the course of an interview (the person may repeat the word over and\r\n over).\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n m
oderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\
r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, addi
tional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quick
Key\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3927\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"7c. Ambulatory ability lost (cannot
walk without personal assistance).\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful
clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff.
The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n def
icits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\
"id\": \"q3928\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"7d. Ability to sit up without assistance lost (e.g., the individual will fall\r\n over if there are no lateral rests [arms] on the ch
IdentifierIen":16347,"choiceTypeId":24854,"designator":"1.","hint":null,"id":5112,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-sever
ient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of
air).\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early s
tages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest
consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical r
elevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3929\", \"type\": \
"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"7e. Loss of the ability to smile.\",
\r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the
patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecut
ive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.
\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q3932\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQu
estion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n \"text\": \"7f. Unable to hold head up.\", \r\n \"intro\": \"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more\r\n moderate-severe stages of dementia w
disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"q
hen the MMSE no longer can reflect changes\r\n in a meaningful clinical way. In the early stages the patient may be able to\r\n participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be\r\n collected from a caregiver or,
in the case of nursing home care, the nursing\r\n home staff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For\r\n clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional,\r\n non-ordinal (nonconsecu
tive) deficits should be noted, since these additional\r\n deficits are of clear clinical relevance.\", \r\n \"columns\": 2, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c237\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c241
\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}], \r\n \"rules\":[\r\n {\"question\": \"q3909\", \"operator\": \"EQ\", \"value\": \"c241\", \r\n \"skips\":[\"q3916\",\"q3917\",\"q3918\",\"q3919\",\"q3920\",\"q3921\",\"q3922\",\"q39
uestionDisplay":43160,"questionId":3918,"questionText":"Decreased ability to perform complex tasks (e.g., planning dinner for guests), handling personal finances (forgetting to pay bills), difficulty marketing, etc.","required":false,"respo
"601.89:16361","601.89:16362"]}],"xchg":{"date":3230110.170735,"description":"(no description)","name":"YS*5.01*208 FAST UPD STEP1","source":"MELDRUM@CAMP MASTER","version":1.02}}
":43163,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":16351,"choiceTypeId":24858,"designator":"5.","hint":null,"id":5116,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate
patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the inf
ormation should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disab
ility, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43162,"questionId":3919,"questionText":"Requires assistance in
choosing proper clothing to wear for day, season, or occasion.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":60},{"choice":[{"choiceId":237,"choiceText":"No","ien":51007,"legacyValue":"N","sequence":1},{"choi
e stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a
3153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly sta
ges the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecuti
ve level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0
,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43164,"questionId":3920,"questionText":"Difficulty putting clothing on properly without assistance.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":70},{"choice":[{"choiceId":237,"choi
"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":16353,"choiceTypeId":24860,"designator":"6b.","hint":null,"id":5118,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patien
ts at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the informatio
n should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability,
additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43166,"questionId":3921,"questionText":"Unable to bathe properly (e.g
., difficulty adjusting bath water temperature) occasionally or more frequently over the past weeks.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":80},{"choice":[{"choiceId":237,"choiceText":"No","ien":51011,"
caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonc
119,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningf
ul clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. Th
e FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are
of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43168,"questionId":3922,"questionText":"Inability to handle mechanics of toileting (e.g., forgets to flush the toilet, does not wipe properly or properly dispose of toilet tiss
ue) occasionally or more frequently over the past weeks.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":90},{"choice":[{"choiceId":237,"choiceText":"No","ien":51013,"legacyValue":"N","sequence":1},{"choiceId":2
ntroId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the
patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive leve
l of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":
onsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43154,"questionId":3909,"questionText":"No difficulties, either subjectively or objectively.","req
0,"questionDisplay":43170,"questionId":3923,"questionText":"Urinary incontinence, occasional or more frequent.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":100},{"choice":[{"choiceId":237,"choiceText":"No","i
0,"choiceIdentifierIen":16356,"choiceTypeId":24863,"designator":"6e.","hint":null,"id":5121,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more mode
rate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collect
ed from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ord
inal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43172,"questionId":3924,"questionText":"Fecal incontinence, occasional or more frequentl
y over the past week.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":110},{"choice":[{"choiceId":237,"choiceText":"No","ien":51017,"legacyValue":"N","sequence":1},{"choiceId":241,"choiceText":"Yes","ien":51018,
"legacyValue":"Y","sequence":2}],"choiceDisplay":43175,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":16357,"choiceTypeId":24864,"designator":"7a.","hint":null,"id":5122,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST
scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participat
e in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical pur
poses, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43174,"questio
nId":3925,"questionText":"Ability to speak limited to approximately a half dozen different words, or fewer, in the course of an average day or in the course of an intensive interview.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":
hoiceIdentifierIen":16358,"choiceTypeId":24865,"designator":"7b.","hint":null,"id":5123,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate
-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected f
rom a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal
(nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43176,"questionId":3926,"questionText":"Speech ability limited to the use of a single intell
igible word in an average day or in the course of an interview (the person may repeat the word over and over).","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":130},{"choice":[{"choiceId":237,"choiceText":"No","i
0,"choiceIdentifierIen":16359,"choiceTypeId":24866,"designator":"7c.","hint":null,"id":5124,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more mode
:2}],"choiceDisplay":43157,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":16348,"choiceTypeId":24855,"designator":"2.","hint":null,"id":5113,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale d
rate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collect
ed from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ord
inal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43178,"questionId":3927,"questionText":"Ambulatory ability lost (cannot walk without per
sonal assistance).","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":140},{"choice":[{"choiceId":237,"choiceText":"No","ien":51023,"legacyValue":"N","sequence":1},{"choiceId":241,"choiceText":"Yes","ien":51024,"le
gacyValue":"Y","sequence":2}],"choiceDisplay":43181,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":16360,"choiceTypeId":24867,"designator":"7d.","hint":null,"id":5125,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST sca
le is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate i
n the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purpos
es, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43180,"questionId
":3928,"questionText":"Ability to sit up without assistance lost (e.g., the individual will fall over if there are no lateral rests [arms] on the chair).","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":150},{"ch
esigned to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia when the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration
iceTypeId":24868,"designator":"7e.","hint":null,"id":5126,"instrument":296,"introDisplay":43153,"introId":584,"introText":"The FAST scale is a functional scale designed to evaluate patients at the more moderate-severe stages of dementia whe
n the MMSE no longer can reflect changes in a meaningful clinical way. In the \r\nearly stages the patient may be able to participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the cas
e of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits sho
uld \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":43182,"questionId":3929,"questionText":"Loss of the ability to smile.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeTe
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participate in the FAST administration but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For cl
inical purposes, in addition to staging the level of disability, additional, non-ordinal (nonconsecutive) deficits should \r\nbe noted, since these additional deficits are of clear clinical relevance.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":4318
4,"questionId":3932,"questionText":"Unable to hold head up.","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":170}],"display":[{"alignment":"L","columns":null,"component":null,"fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindo
but usually the information should be collected from a caregiver or, in the case of nursing home care, the nursing home \r\nstaff. The FAST Stage is the highest consecutive level of disability. For clinical purposes, in addition to staging
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