YS*5.01*218 EAT-26 UPDATE (109)    MH INSTRUMENT EXCHANGE (601.95)

Name Value
NAME YS*5.01*218 EAT-26 UPDATE
DATE CREATED 2023-01-10 23:32:27
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"Engage in dieting behavior.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":31},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4927,"choiceText":"Always","ien":108911,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":4928,"choiceText":"Usually
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ull,"introText":null,"max":6,"min":1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8444,"questionText":"Have the impulse to vomit after meals.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":33},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4952
stionId":8445,"questionText":"Enjoy trying new rich foods.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":34},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4933,"choiceText":"Never","ien":108917,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceI
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ceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42234,"choiceTypeId":108842,"designator":"A.","hint":null,"id":8446,"instrument":258,"introDisplay":1470,"introId":2408,"introText":"Part C: Behavioral Questions: In the past 6 months have you:","max":6
,"min":1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8446,"questionText":" Gone on eating binges where you feel that you may not be able to stop? (Defined as eating much |    \r\n more than most people would under the same circumstances and feeling
 that eating is out of control.)","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":35},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4933,"choiceText":"Never
","ien":108917,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":4934,"choiceText":"Once a month or less","ien":108918,"legacyValue":1,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":4935,"choiceText":"2-3 times a month","ien":108919,"legacyValue":2,"sequence":3},{"choi
ceId":4936,"choiceText":"Once a week","ien":108920,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":4937,"choiceText":"2-6 times a week","ien":108921,"legacyValue":4,"sequence":5},{"choiceId":4938,"choiceText":"Once a day or more","ien":108922,"le
n":1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8447,"questionText":" Ever made yourself sick (vomited) to control your weight or shape?","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":36},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4933,"c
hoiceText":"Never","ien":108917,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":4934,"choiceText":"Once a month or less","ien":108918,"legacyValue":1,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":4935,"choiceText":"2-3 times a month","ien":108919,"legacyValue":2,"se
quence":3},{"choiceId":4936,"choiceText":"Once a week","ien":108920,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":4937,"choiceText":"2-6 times a week","ien":108921,"legacyValue":4,"sequence":5},{"choiceId":4938,"choiceText":"Once a day or more"
:null,"max":6,"min":1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8448,"questionText":" Ever used laxatives, diet pills or diuretics (water pills) to control \r\nyour weight or shape?","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE"
,"sequence":37},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4933,"choiceText":"Never","ien":108917,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":4934,"choiceText":"Once a month or less","ien":108918,"legacyValue":1,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":4935,"choiceText":"2-3 t
imes a month","ien":108919,"legacyValue":2,"sequence":3},{"choiceId":4936,"choiceText":"Once a week","ien":108920,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":4937,"choiceText":"2-6 times a week","ien":108921,"legacyValue":4,"sequence":5},{"ch
splay":1470,"questionId":8456,"questionText":"Lowest Adult Weight:","required":true,"responseTypeId":2,"responseTypeText":"INTEGER","sequence":7},{"choiceDisplay":59290,"choiceTypeId":null,"designator":7,"hint":null,"id":8457,"instrument":2
oiceId":4938,"choiceText":"Once a day or more","ien":108922,"legacyValue":5,"sequence":6}],"choiceDisplay":1443,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42234,"choiceTypeId":108842,"designator":"D.","hint":null,"id":8449,"instrument":258,
"introDisplay":1470,"introId":null,"introText":null,"max":6,"min":1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8449,"questionText":" Exercised more than 60 minutes a day to lose or to control your weight?","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"respo
" Lost 20 pounds or more in the past 6 months.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":39}],"display":[{"alignment":"L","columns":1,"component":"RA","fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic
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 reproduced with permission.","copyrighted":true,"dllDate":null,"dllVersion":null,"enteredBy":"Barry Dellinger","entryDate":"2019-05-17","fullText":true,"id":258,"interpretiveText":null,"lastEditDate":3230110.233,"lastEditedBy":"Leonard Bos
twick","legacy":false,"licenseCurrent":true,"name":"EAT-26","national":true,"normSample":null,"operational":"Y","printTitle":"Eating Attitudes Test-26 Item (EAT-26)","publicationDate":null,"publisher":null,"purpose":"This is a screening mea
sure to help you determine whether you might have an eating disorder that needs professional attention.","reference":"Garner et al. (1982).  The Eating Attitudes Test:  Psychometric features and clinical correlates.  Psychological Medicine,
 12, 871-878.","requireSignature":false,"requiresLicense":"N","scoringRevision":1,"scoringRoutine":"YTSEAT26","scoringTag":null,"staffOnly":null,"submitNational":true,"suicideriskRoutine":null,"suicideriskTag":null,"targetPopulation":null,"
version":null,"wasOperational":true},"report":{"id":181,"instrument":258,"template":"Eating Attitudes Test-26 Item (EAT-26) |\r\n  |   Date Given: <.Date_Given.>|   Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>|   \r\nLocation:  <.Location.>|   |   Veter
an:  <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>|   \r\nSSN: <.Patient_SSN.>|   DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)\r\n|   Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>| |\r\n \r\nEAT-26 Total Score = <-TOTAL SCORE-> | |\r\n \r\nBMI = <*Answer_7772*>| |\r\n \r\n
Behavioral alerts present = <*Answer_7773*>| |\r\n \r\nA score at or above 20 on the EAT-26 indicates a high level of concern | \r\nabout dieting, body weight or problematic eating behaviors.| |\r\n \r\nQuestions and Answers:| |\r\n \r\nPar
t B:||\r\n \r\n  1.  Am terrified about being overweight.|       <*Answer_8420*>| |\r\n   2.  Avoid eating when I am hungry.|       <*Answer_8421*>| |\r\n   3.  Find myself preoccupied with food.|       <*Answer_8422*>| |\r\n   4.  Have gon
e on eating binges where I feel that I may not be able to stop.|       <*Answer_8423*>| |\r\n   5.  Cut my food into small pieces.|       <*Answer_8424*>| |
\r\n   6.  Aware of the calorie content of food that I eat.|       <*Answer_8425*>| |\r\n   7.  Particularly avoid food with a high carbohydrate content (i.e., bread, rice, potatoes, etc.).|       <*Answer_8426*>| |\r\n   8.  Feel that othe
rs would prefer if I ate more.|       <*Answer_8427*>| |\r\n   9.  Vomit after I have eaten.|       <*Answer_8428*>| |\r\n   10. Feel extremely guilty after eating.|       <*Answer_8429*>| |\r\n   11. Am preoccupied with a desire to be thin
ner.|       <*Answer_8430*>| |\r\n   12. Think about burning up calories when I exercise.|       <*Answer_8431*>| |\r\n   13. Other people think that I am too thin.|       <*Answer_8432*>| |\r\n   14. Am preoccupied with the thought of havi
ng fat on my body.|       <*Answer_8433*>| |\r\n   15. Take longer than others to eat my meals.|       <*Answer_8434*>| |\r\n   16. Avoid foods with sugar in them.|       <*Answer_8435*>| |\r\n   17. Eat diet foods.|       <*Answer_8436*>| 
|\r\n   18. Feel that food controls my life.|       <*Answer_8437*>| |\r\n   19. Display self-control around food.|       <*Answer_8438*>| |\r\n   20. Feel that others pressure me to eat.|       <*Answer_8439*>| |\r\n   21. Give too much ti
me and thought to food.|       <*Answer_8440*>| |\r\n   22. Feel uncomfortable after eating sweets.|       <*Answer_8441*>| |\r\n   23. Engage in dieting behavior.|       <*Answer_8442*>| |\r\n   24. Like my stomach to be empty.|       <*An
swer_8443*>| |\r\n   25. Have the impulse to vomit after meals.|       <*Answer_8444*>| |\r\n   26. Enjoy trying new rich foods.|       <*Answer_8445*>| |\r\n   \r\n \r\nPart C:||\r\n \r\n  A. Gone on eating binges where you feel that you m
ay not be able to stop?|      <*Answer_8446*>| |\r\n   B. Ever made yourself sick (vomited) to control your weight or shape?|      <*Answer_8447*>| |\r\n   C. Ever used laxatives, diet pills or diuretics (water pills) to control your weight
 or shape?|      <*Answer_8448*>| |\r\n   D. Exercised more than 60 minutes a day to lose or to control your weight?|      <*Answer_8449*>| |\r\n   E. Lost 20 pounds or more in the past 6 months?|      <*Answer_8450*>| |\r\n \r\nInformation
 contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment and is not sufficient to \r\nuse alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment results should be verified\r\n for accuracy and used in conjunction with other diagnostic activities.| |
\r\n The EAT-26 has been reproduced with permission.|"},"scaleGroup":[{"grid1":null,"grid2":null,"grid3":null,"id":307,"instrument":258,"name":"EAT-26 TOTAL SCORE","ordInc":null,"ordMax":null,"ordMin":null,"ordTitle":null,"scale":[{"groupId
":307,"id":1333,"name":"TOTAL SCORE","sequence":1,"xLabel":"Date"}],"sequence":1}],"spec":{"entryChecksum":543901046,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"EAT-26\", \r\n \"copyright\": \"The EAT-26 has been reproduced with permission.\", \r\n \"printTi
tle\": \"Eating Attitudes Test-26 Item (EAT-26)\",\r\n \"restartDays\": 2, \r\n \"content\":[\r\n   {\"id\": \"i2406\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n    \"text\": \"This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have an
\r\n eating disorder that needs professional attention.  This screening measure is\r\n not designed to <br \/> make a diagnosis of an eating disorder or take the place\r\n of a professional consultation. <br \/><br \/> Please complete the q
uestions below\r\n as accurately, honestly and completely as possible.  There are no right or wrong\r\n answers. <br \/><br \/> Part A: Complete the following questions:\"\r\n    }, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8451\", \"type\": \"DateQuestion\", \"r
equired\": true, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \"1. Birth Date:\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have an\r\n eating disorder that needs professional attention.  This screening
 measure is\r\n not designed to <br \/> make a diagnosis of an eating disorder or take the place
\r\n of a professional consultation. <br \/><br \/> Please complete the questions below\r\n as accurately, honestly and completely as possible.  There are no right or wrong\r\n answers. <br \/><br \/> Part A: Complete the following question
s:\", \r\n    \"controlWidth\": 120, \"daysBack\": null, \"daysAhead\": 0}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8452\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"2. Gender:\", \r\n    \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n 
    {\"id\": \"c4944\", \"text\": \"1. Male\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4945\", \"text\": \"2. Female\", \"quickKey\": 2}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"i2409\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n    \"text\": \"3. Height:\"\r\n    },
 \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8453\", \"type\": \"IntegerQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \" Feet:\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"3. Height:\", \r\n    \"controlWidth\": 50, \"min\": 0, \"max\": 7}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8459
\", \"type\": \"IntegerQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \" Inches:\", \r\n    \"controlWidth\": 50, \"min\": 0, \"max\": 12}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8454\", \"type\": \"IntegerQuestion\", \"required\": true, \
"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \"4. Current Weight(lbs.):\", \r\n    \"controlWidth\": 50, \"min\": 0, \"max\": 500}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8455\", \"type\": \"IntegerQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \"5.
 Highest Weight(excluding pregnancy):\", \r\n    \"controlWidth\": 50, \"min\": 0, \"max\": 500}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8456\", \"type\": \"IntegerQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \"6. Lowest Adult Weight:\",
 \r\n    \"controlWidth\": 50, \"min\": 0, \"max\": 500}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8457\", \"type\": \"IntegerQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \"7. Ideal Weight:\", \r\n    \"controlWidth\": 50, \"min\": 0, \"ma
x\": 500}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"i2407\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n    \"text\": \"Part B: Select a response for each of the following statements:\"\r\n    }, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8420\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"in
"introDisplay":1470,"introId":2407,"introText":"Part B: Select a response for each of the following statements:","max":6,"min":1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8420,"questionText":"Am terrified about being overweight.","required":true,
line\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"1. Am terrified about being overweight.\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Part B: Select a response for each of the following statements:\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", 
\"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes
\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8421\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"require
d\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"2. Avoid eating when I am hungry.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\
": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"q
uickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8422\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"3.  Find myself preoccupied w
ith food.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\"
: \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, 
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8423\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\":
 false, \r\n    \"text\": \"4. Have gone on eating binges where I feel that I may not be able to stop.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\":
 \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\":
 \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8424\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"5. Cut my 
food into small pieces.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c49
29\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. N
ever\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8425\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"6. Aware of the calorie content of food that I eat.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"
choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"i
d\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8426\",
 \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"7. Particularly avoid food with a high carbohydrate content (i.e., bread, rice,\r\n potatoes, etc.).\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\
r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930
\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8427\", \"type\": \
an eating disorder that needs professional attention.  This screening measure is not designed to |\r\nmake a diagnosis of an eating disorder or take the place of a professional consultation.\r\n||\r\nPlease complete the questions below as a
"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"8. Feel that others would prefer if I ate more.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\"
: 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\
": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8428\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n   
 \"text\": \"9. Vomit after I have eaten.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n 
    {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, 
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8429\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\":
 false, \r\n    \"text\": \"10. Feel extremely guilty after eating.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\
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r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8430\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"11. Am preoccupied with a desire to be thinne
r.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. 
Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\":
 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8431\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"12. Think about burning up calories when I exercise.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     
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xt\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8432\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQ
uestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"13. Other people think that I am too thin.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n   
  {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\",
 \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8433\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"
14. Am preoccupied with the thought of having fat on my body.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"q
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  {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8434\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"15. Take longer than others to eat my meals.\", \r\
Display":1470,"introId":null,"introText":null,"max":6,"min":1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8421,"questionText":"Avoid eating when I am hungry.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":10},{"choice":
n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", 
\"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, 
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8435\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\":
 false, \r\n    \"text\": \"16. Avoid foods with sugar in them.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \
"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n 
    {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8436\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"17. Eat diet foods.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r
\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n 
    {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"
q8437\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"18. Feel that food controls my life.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"q
uickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n  
   {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8438\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false
, \r\n    \"text\": \"19. Display self-control around food.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"qui
ckKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     
{\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8439\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"20. Feel that others pressure me to eat.\", \r\n    \
"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quic
kKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \
r\n   {\"id\": \"q8440\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"21. Give too much time and thought to food.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"te
xt\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", 
\"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}
\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8441\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"22. Feel uncomfortable after eating sweets.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c
4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. S
ometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8442\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \
"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"23. Engage in dieting behavior.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \
"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\
", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8443\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"24. Like my stomach to 
be empty.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\"
: \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quic
kKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8444\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"25. Have the impulse to vomit after meals.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"
id\": \"c4927\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4928\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4929\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4930\", \"text\
": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4931\", \"text\": \"5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4932\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8445\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQues
tion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"26. Enjoy trying new rich foods.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4952\", \"text\": \"1. Always\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"
c4953\", \"text\": \"2. Usually\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4954\", \"text\": \"3. Often\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4955\", \"text\": \"4. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4956\", \"text\": \"
5. Rarely\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4957\", \"text\": \"6. Never\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"i2408\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n    \"text\": \"Part C: Behavioral Questions: In the past 6 months have y
ou:\"\r\n    }, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8446\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"A.  Gone on eating binges where you feel that you may not be able to stop?\r\n (Defined as eating much <br \
/>     more than most people would under the same\r\n circumstances and feeling that eating is out of control.)\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Part C: Behavioral Questions: In the past 6 months have you:\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choice
s\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4933\", \"text\": \"1. Never\", \"quickKey\": 1}, 
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4934\", \"text\": \"2. Once a month or less\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4935\", \"text\": \"3. 2-3 times a month\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4936\", \"text\": \"4. Once a week\", \"quickKey\"
: 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4937\", \"text\": \"5. 2-6 times a week\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4938\", \"text\": \"6. Once a day or more\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8447\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"
required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"B.  Ever made yourself sick (vomited) to control your weight or shape?\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4933\", \"text\": \"1. Never\", \"quickKey\
": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4934\", \"text\": \"2. Once a month or less\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4935\", \"text\": \"3. 2-3 times a month\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4936\", \"text\": \"4. Once a week\", \"qui
isplay":1470,"questionId":8422,"questionText":" Find myself preoccupied with food.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":11},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4927,"choiceText":"Always","ien":108911,"legacyValue":
ckKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4937\", \"text\": \"5. 2-6 times a week\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4938\", \"text\": \"6. Once a day or more\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8448\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestio
n\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"C.  Ever used laxatives, diet pills or diuretics (water pills) to control your\r\n weight or shape?\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4933\",
 \"text\": \"1. Never\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4934\", \"text\": \"2. Once a month or less\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4935\", \"text\": \"3. 2-3 times a month\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4936\",
 \"text\": \"4. Once a week\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4937\", \"text\": \"5. 2-6 times a week\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4938\", \"text\": \"6. Once a day or more\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": 
\"q8449\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"D.  Exercised more than 60 minutes a day to lose or to control your weight?\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\"
: \"c4933\", \"text\": \"1. Never\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4934\", \"text\": \"2. Once a month or less\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4935\", \"text\": \"3. 2-3 times a month\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n     {\"id\"
: \"c4936\", \"text\": \"4. Once a week\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4937\", \"text\": \"5. 2-6 times a week\", \"quickKey\": 5}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4938\", \"text\": \"6. Once a day or more\", \"quickKey\": 6}\r\n   ]}, \r\n
   {\"id\": \"q8450\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"E.  Lost 20 pounds or more in the past 6 months.\", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c4939\", \"
text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c4940\", \"text\": \"2. No\", \"quickKey\": 2}\r\n   ]}]\r\n}","instrument":258,"lastUpdate":"2023-01-10T23:30:11","specIen":125},"verify":["601.71:258","601.72:8420","601.72:8421","
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ccurately, honestly and completely as possible.  There are no right or wrong answers.\r\n|| Part A: Complete the following questions:","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":57145,"questionId":8451,"questionText":"Birth Date:","required":true,"r
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xt":null,"max":6,"min":1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8428,"questionText":"Vomit after I have eaten.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":17},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4927,"choiceText":"Always","i
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0,"questionText":"Am preoccupied with a desire to be thinner.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":19},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4927,"choiceText":"Always","ien":108911,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":1},{"cho
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Id":null,"designator":null,"hint":null,"id":8453,"instrument":258,"introDisplay":1470,"introId":2409,"introText":"3. Height:","max":7,"min":0,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8453,"questionText":"Feet:","required":true,"responseTypeId":2
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:1,"questionDisplay":1470,"questionId":8435,"questionText":"Avoid foods with sugar in them.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":24},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4927,"choiceText":"Always","ien":108911,"lega
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d":8440,"questionText":"Give too much time and thought to food.","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":29},{"choice":[{"choiceId":4927,"choiceText":"Always","ien":108911,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":1},{"c
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(no description)