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l.\r\n|Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":97350,"questionId":8794,"questionText":"In general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and rol
es. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":60},{"choice":[{"cho
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","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":97350,"questionId":8796,"questionText":"In the past 7 days... How often have you been bothered by emotional problems such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"
xt":"Moderate","ien":109047,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":3},{"choiceId":5369,"choiceText":"Severe","ien":109048,"legacyValue":2,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":5370,"choiceText":"Very Severe","ien":109049,"legacyValue":1,"sequence":5}],"choiceDispl
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lth in general.\r\n|Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":97350,"questionId":8797,"questionText":"How would you rate your fatigue on average?","required":false,"respons
e respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":97350,"questionId":8789,"questionText":"In general, would you say your health is:","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeTex
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stions about your health in general.\r\n|Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.","max":10,"min":0,"questionDisplay":97350,"questionId":8798,"questionText":"How would you rate your pain on average?","requi
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etiveText":"PROMIS10: Higher scores are better","lastEditDate":3230130.1747,"lastEditedBy":"Kevin Meldrum","legacy":false,"licenseCurrent":false,"name":"PROMIS10","national":false,"normSample":null,"operational":"Y","printTitle":"Patient-Re
ported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS-10) Global Health Scale","publicationDate":null,"publisher":null,"purpose":null,"reference":"Cella, D. et al. (2010). Initial Adult Health Item Banks and First Wave Testing of the Patie
nt-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS(tm)) Network: 2005-2008. J Clin Epidemiol. 2010 November ; 63(11): 1179-1194.","requireSignature":false,"requiresLicense":"N","scoringRevision":1,"scoringRoutine":"YTSPRM10","scori
t":"MCHOICE","sequence":10},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5351,"choiceText":"Excellent","ien":109030,"legacyValue":5,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5352,"choiceText":"Very Good","ien":109031,"legacyValue":4,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":5353,"choiceText":"
ngTag":"DLLSTR","staffOnly":null,"submitNational":true,"suicideriskRoutine":null,"suicideriskTag":null,"targetPopulation":null,"version":null,"wasOperational":true},"report":{"id":220,"instrument":297,"template":"|Patient-Reported Outcomes
Measurement Information System (PROMIS-10)\r\n|Global Health Scale\r\n| \r\n| Date Given: <.Date_Given.>\r\n| Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>
\r\n| Location: <.Location.>\r\n| \r\n| Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>\r\n| SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>\r\n| DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)\r\n| Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>\r\n| \r\n|<*Answer_7771*>\r\n|\r\n|Th
e PROMIS-10 measures patients' perceptions of their own physical and \r\n|mental health. It can assess the outcomes of many different types of \r\n|patient-centered innovations. It does this by assessing overall \"global\" \r\n|health.\r\n|
\r\n|The mean (average) T-score of PROMIS-10 among the general U.S. population \r\n|is 50, with a standard deviation (SD) of 10. This applies to the Mental \r\n|Health and Physical Health subscales. Higher scores are better, so a score \r\n
|above the mean of 50 is better than average and a score below the mean of \r\n|50 is worse than average.\r\n|\r\n| \r\n|Questions and Answers:\r\n| \r\n| 1) In general, would you say your health is:\r\n| <*Answer_8789*>\r\n| 2
) In general, would you say your quality of life is:\r\n| <*Answer_8790*>\r\n| 3) In general, how would you rate your physical health?\r\n| <*Answer_8791*>\r\n| 4) In general, how would you rate your mental health, includ
ing your\r\n| mood and your ability to think?\r\n| <*Answer_8792*>\r\n| 5) In general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social \r\n| activities and relationships?\r\n| <*Answer_8793*>\r\n| 6) In g
eneral, please rate how well you carry out your usual social \r\n| activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work \r\n| and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, \r\n| spouse, employ
ee, friend, etc.)\r\n| <*Answer_8794*>\r\n| 7) To what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical \r\n| activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries,\r\n| or moving a chair?\r\n| <*
Answer_8795*>\r\n| 8) In the past 7 days... How often have you been bothered by emotional \r\n| problems such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?\r\n| <*Answer_8796*>\r\n| 9) How would you rate your fatigue on ave
rage?\r\n| <*Answer_8797*>\r\n| 10) How would you rate your pain on average?\r\n| <*Answer_8798*>\r\n| \r\n|Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment \r\n|and is not sufficient to use alone for d
iagnostic purposes. Assessment \r\n|results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with \r\n|other diagnostic activities."},"scaleGroup":[{"grid1":0,"grid2":0,"grid3":0,"id":347,"instrument":297,"name":"PROMIS10 T-SCORES","
ordInc":10,"ordMax":100,"ordMin":0,"ordTitle":"T-Score","scale":[{"groupId":347,"id":1456,"name":"Global Physical Health","sequence":10,"xLabel":"GPHYS"},{"groupId":347,"id":1457,"name":"Global Mental Health","sequence":20,"xLabel":"GMENT"}
],"sequence":10},{"grid1":null,"grid2":null,"grid3":null,"id":353,"instrument":297,"name":"PROMIS10 RAW SCORES","ordInc":1,"ordMax":5,"ordMin":0,"ordTitle":"Raw Score","scale":[{"groupId":353,"id":1458,"name":"General Health","sequence":30,
"xLabel":"GHLTH"},{"groupId":353,"id":1459,"name":"Social Activities\/Roles","sequence":40,"xLabel":"SOCL"}],"sequence":20}],"spec":{"entryChecksum":26332344,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"PROMIS10\", \r\n \"restartDays\": 2, \r\n \"printTitle\"
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health in general. <br\r\n \/>Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8789\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"1). I
n general, would you say your health is:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"We would like to ask you some questions about your health in general. <br
\r\n \/>Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5351\", \"text\": \"1. Excellent\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5352\", \"tex
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t\": \"2. Very Good\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5353\", \"text\": \"3. Good\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5354\", \"text\": \"4. Fair\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5355\", \"text\": \"5. Poor\", \"quick
Key\": 5}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8790\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"2). In general, would you say your quality of life is:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"We would like to ask you
some questions about your health in general. <br\r\n \/>Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5351\", \"text\": \"1. Excellent\", \"q
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\"id\": \"c5355\", \"text\": \"5. Poor\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8791\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"3). In general, how would you rate your physical healt
h?\", \r\n \"intro\": \"We would like to ask you some questions about your health in general. <br\r\n \/>Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n
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\"text\": \"4. Fair\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5355\", \"text\": \"5. Poor\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8792\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"4).
In general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and\r\n your ability to think?\", \r\n \"intro\": \"We would like to ask you some questions about your health in general. <br\r\n \/>Please respond to each question
or statement by selecting one box in each.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5351\", \"text\": \"1. Excellent\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5352\", \"text\": \"2. Very Good\", \"quickKey\": 2},
n|Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":97350,"questionId":8790,"questionText":"In general, would you say your quality of life is:","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,
\r\n {\"id\": \"c5353\", \"text\": \"3. Good\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5354\", \"text\": \"4. Fair\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5355\", \"text\": \"5. Poor\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8
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o ask you some questions about your health in general. <br\r\n \/>Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5351\", \"text\": \"1. Excelle
nt\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5352\", \"text\": \"2. Very Good\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5353\", \"text\": \"3. Good\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5354\", \"text\": \"4. Fair\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \
r\n {\"id\": \"c5355\", \"text\": \"5. Poor\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8794\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"6). In general, please rate how well you carr
y out your usual social activities\r\n and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and
\r\n responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)\", \r\n \"intro\": \"We would like to ask you some questions about your health in general. <br\r\n \/>Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one
box in each.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5351\", \"text\": \"1. Excellent\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5352\", \"text\": \"2. Very Good\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5353\",
\"text\": \"3. Good\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5354\", \"text\": \"4. Fair\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5355\", \"text\": \"5. Poor\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8795\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQues
tion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"7). To what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities\r\n such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?\", \r\n \"int
"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":20},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5351,"choiceText":"Excellent","ien":109030,"legacyValue":5,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5352,"choiceText":"Very Good","ien":109031,"legacyValue":4,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":535
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\"text\": \"1. Completely\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5357\", \"text\": \"2. Mostly\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5358\", \"text\": \"3. Moderately\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5359\", \"text\": \"4.
A little\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5360\", \"text\": \"5. Not At All\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8796\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"8). In t
he past 7 days... How often have you been bothered by emotional problems\r\n such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?\", \r\n \"intro\": \"We would like to ask you some questions about your health in general. <br\r\n \/>Please re
spond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5361\", \"text\": \"1. Never\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5362\", \"text\": \"2. Rarely\", \
"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5363\", \"text\": \"3. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5364\", \"text\": \"4. Often\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5365\", \"text\": \"5. Always\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n
]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8797\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"9). How would you rate your fatigue on average?\", \r\n \"intro\": \"We would like to ask you some questions about y
our health in general. <br\r\n \/>Please respond to each question or statement by selecting one box in each.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5366\", \"text\": \"1. None\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"i
d\": \"c5367\", \"text\": \"2. Mild\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5368\", \"text\": \"3. Moderate\", \"quickKey\": 3}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5369\", \"text\": \"4. Severe\", \"quickKey\": 4}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5370\", \"text\"
: \"5. Very Severe\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q8798\", \"type\": \"SliderQuestion\", \"required\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"10). How would you rate your pain on average?\", \r\n \"intro\": \"We would like to ask yo