YS*5.01*234 MINICOG (284)    MH INSTRUMENT EXCHANGE (601.95)

Name Value
DATE CREATED 2023-08-15 12:06:32
hands to 10 past 11.\"||Use preprinted circle for this exercise.\r\n Repeat instructions as needed as this is not a memory test. Move to Step 3 if the clock is not complete within three minutes.||[A normal clock has all numbers placed in th
e correct sequence and approximately correct position\r\n (e.g., 12, 3, 6 and 9 are in anchor positions) with no missing or duplicate numbers. Hands are pointing to the 11 and 2 (11:10). Hand length is not scored.]","max":0,"min":0,"questio
nDisplay":44031,"questionId":5536,"questionText":"Clock Drawing","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":20},{"choice":[{"choiceId":2504,"choiceText":"Correct","ien":52312,"legacyValue":1,"sequence":1},{"
splay":44030,"introId":2533,"introText":"Step 3: Three Word Recall||Ask the person to recall the three words you stated in Step 1. Say: \"What were the three words I asked you to remember?\"\r\n||[A correct response is spontaneously recalle
d without cueing.]","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":44033,"questionId":5537,"questionText":"Recall of FIRST WORD","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":30},{"choice":[{"choiceId":2504,"choiceText":"Co
"Step 3: Three Word Recall||Ask the person to recall the three words you stated in Step 1. Say: \"What were the three words I asked you to remember?\"\r\n||[A correct response is spontaneously recalled without cueing.]","max":0,"min":0,"que
stionDisplay":44035,"questionId":5538,"questionText":"Recall of SECOND WORD","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":40},{"choice":[{"choiceId":2504,"choiceText":"Correct","ien":52316,"legacyValue":1,"seq
174,"introDisplay":44030,"introId":2533,"introText":"Step 3: Three Word Recall||Ask the person to recall the three words you stated in Step 1. Say: \"What were the three words I asked you to remember?\"\r\n||[A correct response is spontaneo
usly recalled without cueing.]","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":44037,"questionId":5539,"questionText":"Recall of THIRD WORD","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":50},{"choiceDisplay":44034,"choiceTy
peId":null,"designator":null,"hint":null,"id":9238,"instrument":174,"introDisplay":44030,"introId":2533,"introText":"Step 3: Three Word Recall||Ask the person to recall the three words you stated in Step 1. Say: \"What were the three words 
I asked you to remember?\"\r\n||[A correct response is spontaneously recalled without cueing.]","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":44033,"questionId":9173,"questionText":"Person's Answers","required":false,"responseTypeId":3,"responseTypeTex
t":"STRING","sequence":60}],"display":[{"alignment":"L","columns":null,"component":null,"fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":10,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":44030,"left":3,"mask
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}],"choiceDisplay":81356,"choiceIdentifier":"N","choiceIdentifierIen":42387,"choiceTypeId":15141,"designator":null,"hint":null,"id":9237,"instrument":174,"introDisplay":44030,"introId":610,"introText":"Step 1: Three Word Registration||Look 
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"Schultz, Roger","entryDate":"2011-06-30","fullText":true,"id":174,"interpretiveText":null,"lastEditDate":3230830.1414,"lastEditedBy":"HOWELL,LYNN","legacy":false,"licenseCurrent":false,"name":"MINICOG","national":false,"normSample":null,"o
perational":"Y","printTitle":"Mini-Cog","publicationDate":2011,"publisher":null,"purpose":null,"reference":"Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2000; 15(11):1021.","requireSignature":false,"requiresLicense":"N","scoringRevision":2,"scoringRoutine":"YT
SMINIC","scoringTag":"DLL","staffOnly":"Y","submitNational":true,"suicideriskRoutine":null,"suicideriskTag":null,"targetPopulation":null,"version":"01.19.16","wasOperational":true},"report":{"id":72,"instrument":174,"template":"|  Mini-Cog 
Test\r\n| \r\n|  Date Given: <.Date_Given.>\r\n|  Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>\r\n|  Location: <.Location.>\r\n| \r\n|  Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>\r\n|  SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>\r\n|  DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>
)\r\n|  Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>\r\n| \r\n|  <*Answer_7771*>\r\n| \r\n|  A cut point of <3 on the Mini-Cog(tm) has been validated for dementia\r\n|  screening, but many individuals with clinically meaningful cognitive\r\n|  impairment wil
directly at person and say, \"Please listen carefully. I am going to say three words that I want you to repeat back\r\n to me now and try to remember. The words are [select a list of words from the versions below]. Please say them for me no
l score higher. When greater sensitivity is desired, a\r\n|  cut point of <4 is recommended as it may indicate a need for further\r\n|  evaluation of cognitive status.\r\n| \r\n| \r\n|  Questions and Answers\r\n|\r\n<*Answer_7772*>\r\n| \r\
n| Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic\r\n purposes. Assessment results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with other diagnostic acti
vities and procedures"},"scaleGroup":[{"grid1":0,"grid2":0,"grid3":0,"id":163,"instrument":174,"name":"MINICOG","ordInc":1,"ordMax":4,"ordMin":0,"ordTitle":"MINIC","scale":[{"groupId":163,"id":624,"name":"Mini-Cog Score","sequence":1,"xLabe
l":"Mini-"}],"sequence":1}],"spec":{"entryChecksum":1365884992,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"MINICOG\", \r\n \"copyright\": \"S. Borson. All rights reserved.\", \r\n \"restartDays\": 2, \r\n \"printTitle\": \"Mini-Cog\", \r\n \"content\":[\r\n 
  {\"id\": \"i610\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n    \"text\": \"<strong>Step 1: Three Word Registration<\/strong><br \/><br \/>Look directly at person and say,\r\n \\u0022Please listen carefully. I am going to say three words that I want 
you to\r\n repeat back to me now and try to remember. The words are [select a list of words\r\n from the versions below]. Please say them for me now.\\u0022 If the person is\r\n unable to repeat the words after three attempts, move on to St
ep 2 (clock\r\n drawing). <br \/><br \/>The following and other word lists have been used in one\r\n or more clinical studies. For repeated administrations, use of an alternative\r\n word list is recommended.<br \/> <br \/><i>Version 1:<\/i
> Banana, Sunrise, Chair<br\r\n \/><i>Version 2:<\/i> Leader, Season, Table<br \/><i>Version 3:<\/i> Village, Kitchen, Baby<br\r\n \/><i>Version 4:<\/i> River, Nation, Finger<br \/><i>Version 5:<\/i> Captain, Garden, Picture<br\r\n \/><i>Ve
rsion 6:<\/i> Daughter, Heaven, Mountain\"\r\n    }, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q9172\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \" Word List Version\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong>Step 1: Three Word R
egistration<\/strong><br \/><br \/>Look directly at person and say,\r\n \\u0022Please listen carefully. I am going to say three words that I want you to\r\n repeat back to me now and try to remember. The words are [select a list of words\r\
w.\" If the person is unable to repeat the words after three attempts, move on to Step 2 (clock drawing).\r\n||The following and other word lists have been used in one or more clinical studies. For repeated administrations, use of an altern
n from the versions below]. Please say them for me now.\\u0022 If the person is\r\n unable to repeat the words after three attempts, move on to Step 2 (clock\r\n drawing). <br \/><br \/>The following and other word lists have been used in o
ne\r\n or more clinical studies. For repeated administrations, use of an alternative
\r\n word list is recommended.<br \/> <br \/><i>Version 1:<\/i> Banana, Sunrise, Chair<br\r\n \/><i>Version 2:<\/i> Leader, Season, Table<br \/><i>Version 3:<\/i> Village, Kitchen, Baby<br\r\n \/><i>Version 4:<\/i> River, Nation, Finger<br 
\/><i>Version 5:<\/i> Captain, Garden, Picture<br\r\n \/><i>Version 6:<\/i> Daughter, Heaven, Mountain\", \r\n    \"columns\": 11, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5682\", \"text\": \" 1\"}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5683\", \"text\": \
" 2\"}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5684\", \"text\": \" 3\"}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5685\", \"text\": \" 4\"}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5686\", \"text\": \" 5\"}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5687\", \"text\": \" 6\"}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"i2534\", \"ty
pe\": \"IntroText\", \r\n    \"text\": \"<strong>Step 2: Clock Drawing<\/strong><br \/><br \/>Say: \\u0022Next, I want you to draw a clock for\r\n me. First, put in all of the numbers where they go.\\u0022 When that is\r\n completed, say: \
\u0022Now, set the hands to 10 past 11.\\u0022<br \/><br \/>Use\r\n preprinted circle for this exercise. Repeat instructions as needed as this is\r\n not a memory test. Move to Step 3 if the clock is not complete within three\r\n minutes.<b
r \/><br \/><small>[A normal clock has all numbers placed in the correct\r\n sequence and approximately correct position (e.g., 12, 3, 6 and 9 are in anchor\r\n positions) with no missing or duplicate numbers. Hands are pointing to the 11\r
\n and 2 (11:10). Hand length is not scored.]<\/small>\"\r\n    }, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q5536\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \" Clock Drawing\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong>Step 2: Cl
ock Drawing<\/strong><br \/><br \/>Say: \\u0022Next, I want you to draw a clock for\r\n me. First, put in all of the numbers where they go.\\u0022 When that is\r\n completed, say: \\u0022Now, set the hands to 10 past 11.\\u0022<br \/><br \/
ative word list is recommended.|\r\n|Version 1: Banana, Sunrise, Chair|Version 2: Leader, Season, Table|Version 3: Village, Kitchen, Baby|Version 4: River, Nation, Finger|Version 5: Captain, Garden, Picture|Version 6: Daughter, Heaven, Moun
>Use\r\n preprinted circle for this exercise. Repeat instructions as needed as this is\r\n not a memory test. Move to Step 3 if the clock is not complete within three\r\n minutes.<br \/><br \/><small>[A normal clock has all numbers placed i
n the correct\r\n sequence and approximately correct position (e.g., 12, 3, 6 and 9 are in anchor\r\n positions) with no missing or duplicate numbers. Hands are pointing to the 11\r\n and 2 (11:10). Hand length is not scored.]<\/small>\", \
r\n    \"columns\": 3, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c2504\", \"text\": \"1. Correct\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c2503\", \"text\": \"2. Incorrect\", \"quickKey\": 2}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"i2533\", \"type\": \"
IntroText\", \r\n    \"text\": \"<strong>Step 3: Three Word Recall<\/strong><br \/><br \/>Ask the person to recall the three words you\r\n stated in Step 1. Say: \\u0022What were the three words I asked you to\r\n remember?\\u0022 <br \/><b
r \/><small>[A correct response is spontaneously recalled\r\n without cueing.]<\/small>\"\r\n    }, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q5537\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \" Recall of FIRST WORD\",
 \r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong>Step 3: Three Word Recall<\/strong><br \/><br \/>Ask the person to recall the three words you\r\n stated in Step 1. Say: \\u0022What were the three words I asked you to\r\n remember?\\u0022 <br \/><br \/><small
>[A correct response is spontaneously recalled\r\n without cueing.]<\/small>\", \r\n    \"columns\": 3, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c2504\", \"text\": \"1. Correct\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c2503\", \"text\": \"2
. Incorrect\", \"quickKey\": 2}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q5538\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \" Recall of SECOND WORD\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong>Step 3: Three Word Recall<\
/strong><br \/><br \/>Ask the person to recall the three words you\r\n stated in Step 1. Say: \\u0022What were the three words I asked you to
\r\n remember?\\u0022 <br \/><br \/><small>[A correct response is spontaneously recalled\r\n without cueing.]<\/small>\", \r\n    \"columns\": 3, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c2504\", \"text\": \"1. Correct\", \"quickKey\": 1}, 
tain","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":44033,"questionId":9172,"questionText":"Word List Version","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":10},{"choice":[{"choiceId":2504,"choiceText":"Correct","ien":5231
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c2503\", \"text\": \"2. Incorrect\", \"quickKey\": 2}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q5539\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": true, \r\n    \"text\": \" Recall of THIRD WORD\", \r\n    \"intro
\": \"<strong>Step 3: Three Word Recall<\/strong><br \/><br \/>Ask the person to recall the three words you\r\n stated in Step 1. Say: \\u0022What were the three words I asked you to\r\n remember?\\u0022 <br \/><br \/><small>[A correct resp
onse is spontaneously recalled\r\n without cueing.]<\/small>\", \r\n    \"columns\": 3, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c2504\", \"text\": \"1. Correct\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c2503\", \"text\": \"2. Incorrect\", \
"quickKey\": 2}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q9173\", \"type\": \"StringQuestion\", \"required\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \" Person's Answers\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong>Step 3: Three Word Recall<\/strong><br \/><br \/>Ask the person to
 recall the three words you\r\n stated in Step 1. Say: \\u0022What were the three words I asked you to\r\n remember?\\u0022 <br \/><br \/><small>[A correct response is spontaneously recalled\r\n without cueing.]<\/small>\", \r\n    \"contro
lWidth\": 658, \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0}],\r\n\"rules\":[\r\n  {\"question\": \"q5537\", \"operator\": \"EQ\", \"value\": \"c2504\", \"conjunction\": \"and\",\r\n   \"question2\": \"q5538\", \"operator2\": \"EQ\", \"value2\": \"c2504\",\r\n  
 \"skips\":[\"q9173\"]},\r\n  {\"question\": \"q5538\", \"operator\": \"EQ\", \"value\": \"c2504\", \"conjunction\": \"and\",\r\n   \"question2\": \"q5539\", \"operator2\": \"EQ\", \"value2\": \"c2504\",\r\n   \"skips\":[\"q9173\"]},\r\n  {
\"question\": \"q5539\", \"operator\": \"EQ\", \"value\": \"c2504\", \"conjunction\": \"and\",\r\n   \"skips\":[\"q9173\"]}]\r\n}","instrument":174,"lastUpdate":"2023-08-29T13:20:22","specIen":62},"verify":["601.71:174","601.72:5536","601.7
","601.89:16721","601.89:16722","601.89:16723","601.89:42387"]}],"xchg":{"date":3230815.120632,"description":"(no description)","name":"YS*5.01*234 MINICOG","source":"MELDRUM@CAMP MASTER","version":1.02}}
id":4304,"instrument":174,"introDisplay":44030,"introId":2534,"introText":"Step 2: Clock Drawing||Say: \"Next, I want you to draw a clock for me. First, put in all of the numbers where they go.\" When that is completed, say: \"Now, set the 
(no description)
  • INSTALL DATE:   2023-11-28 09:44:31
    INSTALLED BY:   File: 200, IEN: 1099
  • INSTALL DATE:   2023-11-28 09:48:18
    INSTALLED BY:   File: 200, IEN: 1099
  • INSTALL DATE:   2023-12-27 11:57:17