,"questionText":"In the past 30 days:","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":30},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5855,"choiceText":"No","ien":109540,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5856,"choiceText":"Ye
-AD-START_V2)","publicationDate":null,"publisher":null,"purpose":null,"reference":"Blanchard, K. A., Morgenstern, J., Morgan, T. J., Labouvie, E. W., and Bux, D. A. Assessing consequences of substance use: Psychometric properties of the Inv
entory of Drug Use Consequences. (2003). Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 17 (4), 328-331","requireSignature":false,"requiresLicense":"N","scoringRevision":1,"scoringRoutine":"YTSSIPS2","scoringTag":"DLLSTR","staffOnly":null,"submitNation
"template":"|SHORT INVENTORY OF PROBLEMS - AD - Version 2 (SIP-AD-START_V2)\r\n| \r\n| Date Given: <.Date_Given.>\r\n| Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>\r\n| Location: <.Location.>\r\n| \r\n| Veteran: <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>\r
\n| SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>\r\n| DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)\r\n| Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>\r\n| \r\n| SIP-AD LIFETIME TOTAL SCORE = <-LIFETIME SCORE->\r\n|\r\n| Lifetime Total scores range from 0-15. Higher scor
es indicate more\r\n| negative consequences associated with drinking or drug use across\r\n| the lifetime.\r\n|\r\n| SIP-AD PAST 30-DAY TOTAL SCORE = <-PAST 30-DAY TOTAL SCORE->\r\n|\r\n| Past 30-day total scores range from 0-45. Higher s
cores indicate more \r\n| negative consequences associated with drinking or drug use within the \r\n| past 30 days.\r\n| \r\n| \r\n| Questions and Answers:\r\n|\r\n| I have been unhappy because of my drinking or drug use.\r\n| 1a. Eve
r:\r\n| <*Answer_9366*>\r\n| 1b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9367*>\r\n|\r\n| Because of my drinking or drug use, I have lost weight or not eaten \r\n| properly.\r\n| 2a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9368*>\r\n
| 2b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9369*>\r\n|\r\n| I have failed to do what is expected of me because of my drinking or \r\n| drug use.\r\n| 3a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9370*>\r\n| 3b. In the past 30 days:\r\n
| <*Answer_9371*>\r\n|\r\n| When drinking or using drugs, my personality has changed for the \r\n| worse.\r\n| 4a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9372*>\r\n| 4b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9373*>\r\n| \r\n| I
have taken foolish risks when I have been drinking or using drugs.\r\n| 5a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9374*>\r\n| 5b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9375*>\r\n|\r\n| While drinking or using drugs, I have said harsh o
r cruel things \r\n| to someone.\r\n| 6a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9376*>\r\n| 6b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9377*>\r\n|\r\n| When drinking or using drugs, I have done impulsive things that\r\n| I regretted la
ter.\r\n| 7a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9378*>\r\n| 7b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9379*>\r\n|\r\n| I have had money problems because of my drinking or drug use.\r\n| 8a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9380*>\r\n
| 8b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9381*>\r\n|\r\n| My physical appearance has been harmed by my drinking or drug\r\n| use.\r\n| 9a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9382*>\r\n| 9b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <
*Answer_9383*>\r\n|\r\n| My family has been hurt by my drinking or drug use.\r\n| 10a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9384*>\r\n| 10b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9385*>\r\n|\r\n| A friendship or close relationship has
been damaged by my \r\n| drinking or drug use.\r\n| 11a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9386*>\r\n| 11b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9387*>\r\n|\r\n| I have lost interest in activities and hobbies because of \r\n| my
drinking or drug use.\r\n| 12a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9388*>\r\n| 12b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9389*>\r\n| \r\n| My drinking or drug use has gotten in the way of my growth \r\n| as a person.\r\n| 13a.
Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9390*>\r\n| 13b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9391*>\r\n|\r\n| My drinking or drug use has damaged my social life, \r\n| popularity, or reputation.\r\n| 14a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9
392*>\r\n| 14b. In the past 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9393*>\r\n|\r\n| I have spent too much or lost a lot of money because of \r\n| my drinking or drug us\r\n| 15a. Ever:\r\n| <*Answer_9394*>\r\n| 15b. In the pas
t 30 days:\r\n| <*Answer_9395*>\r\n| \r\n|Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment
ext":"Because of my drinking or drug use, I have lost weight or not eaten properly.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":9368,"questionText":"Ever:","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence"
\r\n|and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment \r\n|results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with \r\n|other diagnostic activities."},"rule":[{"booleanOperator":"AND","consistencyCheck":nu
:40},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5857,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109542,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5858,"choiceText":"Once or a few times","ien":109543,"legacyValue":1,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":5859,"choiceText":"Once or twice a w
eek","ien":109544,"legacyValue":2,"sequence":3},{"choiceId":5860,"choiceText":"Daily or almost daily","ien":109545,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":4}],"choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42425,"choiceTypeId":15190,"d
strument":336,"name":"TOTAL LIFETIME SCORE","ordInc":1,"ordMax":15,"ordMin":0,"ordTitle":"LIFETIME SCORE","scale":[{"groupId":405,"id":1573,"name":"LIFETIME SCORE","sequence":10,"xLabel":"LIFETIME SCORE"}],"sequence":10},{"grid1":0,"grid2":
0,"grid3":0,"id":406,"instrument":336,"name":"PAST 30 DAY TOTAL SCORE","ordInc":5,"ordMax":45,"ordMin":0,"ordTitle":"30-DAY TOTAL SCORE","scale":[{"groupId":406,"id":1574,"name":"PAST 30-DAY TOTAL SCORE","sequence":10,"xLabel":"30-DAY TOTAL
esignator":"2b.","hint":null,"id":9434,"instrument":336,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2567,"introText":"Because of my drinking or drug use, I have lost weight or not eaten properly.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":936
SCORE"}],"sequence":20}],"spec":{"entryChecksum":3705315208,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"SIP-AD-START_V2\", \r\n \"restartDays\": 2, \r\n \"printTitle\": \"SHORT INVENTORY OF PROBLEMS - AD - Version 2 (SIP-AD-START_V2)\", \r\n \"content\":[\r
\n {\"id\": \"i2566\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"Here are a number of events that people sometimes experience in relation to their\r\n use of alcohol and other drugs. Read each one carefully and indicate whether\r\n thi
s has EVER happened to you (No or Yes). If an item does not apply to you,\r\n mark No and skip to the next question. If it has EVER happened to you, indicate\r\n how often it has happened to you DURING THE PAST 30 DAYS (Never, Once or a few
\r\n times, etc.). <br \/><br \/> I have been unhappy because of my drinking or drug\r\n use.\"\r\n },
\r\n {\"id\": \"q9366\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"1a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"Here are a number of events that people sometimes experience in relation to their\r\n use
of alcohol and other drugs. Read each one carefully and indicate whether\r\n this has EVER happened to you (No or Yes). If an item does not apply to you,\r\n mark No and skip to the next question. If it has EVER happened to you, indicate\r\
n how often it has happened to you DURING THE PAST 30 DAYS (Never, Once or a few\r\n times, etc.). <br \/><br \/> I have been unhappy because of my drinking or drug\r\n use.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\":
\"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9367\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\"
: \"1b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"Here are a number of events that people sometimes experience in relation to their\r\n use of alcohol and other drugs. Read each one carefully and indicate whether\r\n this has EVER happen
ed to you (No or Yes). If an item does not apply to you,\r\n mark No and skip to the next question. If it has EVER happened to you, indicate\r\n how often it has happened to you DURING THE PAST 30 DAYS (Never, Once or a few\r\n times, etc.)
9,"questionText":"In the past 30 days:","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":50},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5855,"choiceText":"No","ien":109540,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5856,"choiceText":"Y
. <br \/><br \/> I have been unhappy because of my drinking or drug\r\n use.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5857\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5858\", \"text\": \"1.
Once or a few times\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5859\", \"text\": \"2. Once or twice a week\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5860\", \"text\": \"3. Daily or almost daily\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \
"i2567\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"Because of my drinking or drug use, I have lost weight or not eaten properly.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9368\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false,
\r\n \"text\": \"2a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"Because of my drinking or drug use, I have lost weight or not eaten properly.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKe
y\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9369\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"2b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \
"intro\": \"Because of my drinking or drug use, I have lost weight or not eaten properly.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5857\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5858\", \"
text\": \"1. Once or a few times\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5859\", \"text\": \"2. Once or twice a week\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5860\", \"text\": \"3. Daily or almost daily\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n
{\"id\": \"i2568\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"I have failed to do what is expected of me because of my drinking or drug use\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9370\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inl
ine\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"3a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"I have failed to do what is expected of me because of my drinking or drug use\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No
\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9371\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"3b. In the past 30 days:
\", \r\n \"intro\": \"I have failed to do what is expected of me because of my drinking or drug use\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[
\r\n {\"id\": \"c5857\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5858\", \"text\": \"1. Once or a few times\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5859\", \"text\": \"2. Once or twice a week\", \"quickKey\": 2}
, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5860\", \"text\": \"3. Daily or almost daily\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"i2569\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"When drinking or using drugs, my personality has changed for the worse
.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9372\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"4a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"When drinking or using drugs, my personality has changed for the worse.\", \
r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9373\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuest
ion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"4b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"When drinking or using drugs, my personality has changed for the worse.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n
{\"id\": \"c5857\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5858\", \"text\": \"1. Once or a few times\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5859\", \"text\": \"2. Once or twice a week\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\
n {\"id\": \"c5860\", \"text\": \"3. Daily or almost daily\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"i2570\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"I have taken foolish risks when I have been drinking or using drugs.\"\r\n
}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9374\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"5a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"I have taken foolish risks when I have been drinking or using drugs.\", \r\n \"co
lumns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9375\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"re
"hint":null,"id":9435,"instrument":336,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2568,"introText":"I have failed to do what is expected of me because of my drinking or drug use","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":9370,"questionText":
quired\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"5b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"I have taken foolish risks when I have been drinking or using drugs.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \
"c5857\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5858\", \"text\": \"1. Once or a few times\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5859\", \"text\": \"2. Once or twice a week\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\":
\"c5860\", \"text\": \"3. Daily or almost daily\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"i2571\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"While drinking or using drugs, I have said harsh or cruel things to someone.\"\r\n },
\r\n {\"id\": \"q9376\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"6a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"While drinking or using drugs, I have said harsh or cruel things to someone.\", \r\n \"
columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9377\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"
required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"6b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"While drinking or using drugs, I have said harsh or cruel things to someone.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n
{\"id\": \"c5857\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5858\", \"text\": \"1. Once or a few times\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5859\", \"text\": \"2. Once or twice a week\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n
{\"id\": \"c5860\", \"text\": \"3. Daily or almost daily\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"i2572\", \"type\": \"IntroText\",
\r\n \"text\": \"When drinking or using drugs, I have done impulsive things that I regretted\r\n later.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9378\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"7a. E
ver:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"When drinking or using drugs, I have done impulsive things that I regretted\r\n later.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n
"Ever:","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":60},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5857,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109542,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5858,"choiceText":"Once or a few times","ien":109
{\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9379\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"7b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"When
drinking or using drugs, I have done impulsive things that I regretted\r\n later.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5857\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5858\", \"text\":
\"1. Once or a few times\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5859\", \"text\": \"2. Once or twice a week\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5860\", \"text\": \"3. Daily or almost daily\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id
\": \"i2573\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"I have had money problems because of my drinking or drug use.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9380\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"
text\": \"8a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"I have had money problems because of my drinking or drug use.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\":
\"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9381\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"8b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"I have had mone
y problems because of my drinking or drug use.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5865\", \"text\": \"0. Not at all\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5866\", \"text\": \"1. A little\", \"quickKey\":
1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5867\", \"text\": \"2. Somewhat\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5868\", \"text\": \"3. Very much\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"i2574\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"My ph
ysical appearance has been harmed by my drinking or drug use.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9382\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"9a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"My physical appe
arance has been harmed by my drinking or drug use.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n
IdentifierIen":42424,"choiceTypeId":15189,"designator":"1a.","hint":null,"id":9431,"instrument":336,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2566,"introText":"Here are a number of events that people sometimes experience in relation to their use of al
543,"legacyValue":1,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":5859,"choiceText":"Once or twice a week","ien":109544,"legacyValue":2,"sequence":3},{"choiceId":5860,"choiceText":"Daily or almost daily","ien":109545,"legacyValue":3,"sequence":4}],"choiceDispl
]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9383\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"9b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"My physical appearance has been harmed by my drinking or drug use.\",
\r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5865\", \"text\": \"0. Not at all\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5866\", \"text\": \"1. A little\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5867\", \"text\": \"2. S
omewhat\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5868\", \"text\": \"3. Very much\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"i2575\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"My family has been hurt by my drinking or drug use.\"\r
\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9384\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"10a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"My family has been hurt by my drinking or drug use.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \
r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}
\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9385\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"10b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"My family has been hurt by my drinking or drug use.\", \r\n
\"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5865\", \"text\": \"0. Not at all\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5866\", \"text\": \"1. A little\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5867\", \"text\": \"2. Somewhat\
", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5868\", \"text\": \"3. Very much\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"i2576\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"A friendship or close relationship has been damaged by my drink
ing or drug use.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9386\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"11a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"A friendship or close relationship has been damaged by my dr
inking or drug use.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9387\",
ay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42425,"choiceTypeId":15190,"designator":"3b.","hint":null,"id":9436,"instrument":336,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2568,"introText":"I have failed to do what is expected of me because of
\"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"11b. In the past 30 days:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"A friendship or close relationship has been damaged by my drinking or drug use.\", \r\n \"columns
\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5865\", \"text\": \"0. Not at all\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5866\", \"text\": \"1. A little\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5867\", \"text\": \"2. Somewhat\", \"quic
kKey\": 2}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5868\", \"text\": \"3. Very much\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"i2577\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n \"text\": \"I have lost interest in activities and hobbies because of my drinking or
drug\r\n use.\"\r\n }, \r\n {\"id\": \"q9388\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": false, \r\n \"text\": \"12a. Ever:\", \r\n \"intro\": \"I have lost interest in activities and hobbies because of my d
rinking or drug\r\n use.\", \r\n \"columns\": 1, \r\n \"choices\":[\r\n {\"id\": \"c5855\", \"text\": \"0. No\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n {\"id\": \"c5856\", \"text\": \"1. Yes\", \"quickKey\": 1}\r\n ]}, \r\n {\"id\": \"q93
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