YS*5.01*218 SBAF (86)    MH INSTRUMENT EXCHANGE (601.95)

Name Value
NAME YS*5.01*218 SBAF
DATE CREATED 2022-12-05 10:22:31
OCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that beh
avior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8887,"questionText":"Plan and\/or rehearse what I am going to say ahead of time","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":240},{"choice":[{"choi
eTypeId":15089,"designator":"25.","hint":null,"id":8953,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r
\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8888,"questionText":"Make myself look busy while at work
 or when out in public so that others do not talk to me","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":250},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId
choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"26.","hint":null,"id":8954,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of beh
aviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay"
.","hint":null,"id":8931,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2482,"introText":"VIGILANCE|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the
:81372,"questionId":8889,"questionText":"Cut conversations short","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":260},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{
ce":4}],"choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"27.","hint":null,"id":8955,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a li
st of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questio
nDisplay":81372,"questionId":8890,"questionText":"Monitor what I say in conversations","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":270},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyVal
egacyValue":3,"sequence":4}],"choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"28.","hint":null,"id":8956,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIE
TY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","ma
x":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8891,"questionText":"Pretend I do not see or recognize someone so that I do not have to speak with them","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":280},{"ch
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8866,"questionText":"Rush through stores or go directly to desired items and leave as quickl
n":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"29.","hint":null,"id":8957,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2497,"introText":"PANIC|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comforta
ble.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8892,"questionText":"Take it easy when I exercise 
(or do other activities that require physical exertion) so my heart rate does not get too high","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":290},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"
IC|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","ma
x":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8893,"questionText":"Stay on the outside of crowds and\/or monitor for exits or escape routes","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":300},{"choice":[{"c
y as possible","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":30},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5462,"choiceText":"Sometimes","ien":10914
troDisplay":81371,"introId":2497,"introText":"PANIC|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how ofte
n or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8894,"questionText":"Carry a medication in case I need it","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":310},{
ment":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2497,"introText":"PANIC|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately descr
ibes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8895,"questionText":"Check my pulse or heart rate","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":3
oiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"33.","hint":null,"id":8961,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2497,"introText":"PANIC|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves fe
el more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8896,"questionText":"Check that I 
can swallow without choking","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":330},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5462,"choiceText":"Sometim
Identifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"34.","hint":null,"id":8962,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2497,"introText":"PANIC|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to m
ake themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8897,"questionTex
t":"Stay within certain distances from home (or other safe places)","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":340},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1}
ence":4}],"choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"35.","hint":null,"id":8963,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2497,"introText":"PANIC|\r\n|Below is a list of b
ehaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDispla
y":81372,"questionId":8898,"questionText":"Pay attention to body for physical symptoms or sensations","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":350},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":10
choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"4.","hint":null,"id":8932,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2482,"introText":"VIGILANCE|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselv
":"HEALTH ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that
 behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8899,"questionText":"Call doctors' offices (or health-lines) frequently","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":360},{"choice":[{"choiceId
eTypeId":15089,"designator":"37.","hint":null,"id":8965,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2498,"introText":"HEALTH ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r
\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8900,"questionText":"Check my body for problems (pain, d
iscomfort, symmetry, discoloration, new growth, etc.)","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":370},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":
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es feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8867,"questionText":"Check ya
iors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":8
1372,"questionId":8901,"questionText":"Research medical symptoms on the internet","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":380},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0
Value":3,"sequence":4}],"choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"39.","hint":null,"id":8967,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2498,"introText":"HEALTH ANXIETY|\r
\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,
"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8902,"questionText":"Check my body temperature","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":390},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"leg
 ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior
.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8903,"questionText":"Talk to others about my health or health-related activities","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":400},{"choice":[{"choiceId
rd or the area around your home (\"Perimeter Checks\")","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":40},{"choice":[{"choiceId":
eTypeId":15089,"designator":"41.","hint":null,"id":8969,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2498,"introText":"HEALTH ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r
\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8904,"questionText":"Request specialized medical exams f
rom providers","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":410}],"display":[{"alignment":"L","columns":1,"component":"RA","fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Ser
if","fontSize":8,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":81351,"left":8,"mask":"662|||"},{"alignment":"L","columns":0,"component":null,"fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":8,"fontUnderline
d":false,"id":81371,"left":3,"mask":null},{"alignment":"L","columns":0,"component":null,"fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":8,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":81372,"left":2,"mask"
:null}],"info":{"author":"Goodson, Jason T.","auxDate":null,"auxVersion":null,"copyrightText":null,"copyrighted":false,"dllDate":null,"dllVersion":null,"enteredBy":"Kevin Meldrum","entryDate":"2022-09-10","fullText":true,"id":300,"interpret
iveText":"Guide for interpreting SBAF scores:\r\nHigher scores suggest more frequent safety behavior usage.","lastEditDate":3221202.183,"lastEditedBy":"Kevin Meldrum","legacy":false,"licenseCurrent":false,"name":"SBAF","national":false,"nor
mSample":null,"operational":"Y","printTitle":"Safety Behavior Assessment Form","publicationDate":null,"publisher":null,"purpose":null,"reference":"Goodson, J.T, Haeffel, G.J., Raush, D.A.,& Hershenberg, R. (2016).  The safety behavior asses
sment form:  Development and validation.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 72, 10, 1099-1111.  DOI: 10.1002\/jclp.22325.","requireSignature":true,"requiresLicense":"N","scoringRevision":1,"scoringRoutine":"YTSSBAF","scoringTag":"DLLSTR","sta
ffOnly":null,"submitNational":true,"suicideriskRoutine":null,"suicideriskTag":null,"targetPopulation":null,"version":null,"wasOperational":true},"report":{"id":221,"instrument":300,"template":"|Safety Behavior Assessment Form (SBAF)\r\n|  \
r\n|   Date Given: <.Date_Given.>\r\n|   Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>\r\n|   Location:  <.Location.>\r\n|  \r\n|   Veteran:  <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>\r\n|   SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>\r\n|   DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)\
r\n|   Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>\r\n|\r\n|<*Answer_7771*>\r\n|\r\n|   Higher scores suggest more frequent safety behavior usage.\r\n|  \r\n|  \r\n|Questions and Answers:\r\n|  \r\n|  VIGILANCE\r\n|\r\n|   1.  Scope places out before enteri
ng\r\n|       <*Answer_8864*>\r\n|   2.  Sit with back to wall\r\n|       <*Answer_8865*>\r\n|   3.  Rush through stores or go directly to desired items and leave as \r\n|       quickly as possible\r\n|       <*Answer_8866*>\r\n|   4.  Chec
k yard or the area around your home (\"Perimeter Checks\")\r\n|       <*Answer_8867*>\r\n|   5.  Make up contingency plans in case someone is physically aggressive \r\n|       or there is some kind of emergency\r\n|       <*Answer_8868*>\r\
n|   6.  Walk slowly to let someone pass who is close behind\r\n|       <*Answer_8869*>\r\n|   7.  Watch others for signs of danger\r\n|       <*Answer_8870*>\r\n|   8.  Check locks on doors or windows\r\n|       <*Answer_8871*>\r\n|\r\n|  
GENERALIZED ANXIETY\r\n|\r\n|   9.  Over-plan for everyday events\r\n|       <*Answer_8872*>\r\n|  10.  Call or contact loved ones to make sure they are ok
\r\n|       <*Answer_8873*>\r\n|  11.  Procrastinate before I start something or make a decision\r\n|       <*Answer_8874*>\r\n|  12.  Research things before I start or before making a decision\r\n|       <*Answer_8875*>\r\n|  13.  Try to d
o things perfectly\r\n|       <*Answer_8876*>\r\n|  14.  Monitor the clock\r\n|       <*Answer_8877*>\r\n|  15.  Ask others for reassurance (e.g., about a decision or worry)\r\n|       <*Answer_8878*>\r\n|\r\n|  SOCIAL ANXIETY\r\n|\r\n|  16
.  Monitor others' reactions to things I say\r\n|       <*Answer_8879*>\r\n|  17.  Prepare things to say while others are talking\r\n|       <*Answer_8880*>\r\n|  18.  Talk through silences or talk so that silences do not occur\r\n|       <
*Answer_8881*>\r\n|  19.  Be overly polite or agreeable\r\n|       <*Answer_8882*>\r\n|  20.  Attempt to hide anxiety (e.g., put hands in pocket because they are \r\n|       shaking)\r\n|       <*Answer_8883*>\r\n|  21.  Leave events or act
ivities early\r\n|       <*Answer_8884*>\r\n|  22.  Make little eye contact\r\n|       <*Answer_8885*>\r\n|  23.  Respond to calls with text messages\r\n|       <*Answer_8886*>\r\n|  24.  Plan and\/or rehearse what I am going to say ahead o
f time\r\n|       <*Answer_8887*>\r\n|  25.  Make myself look busy while at work or when out in public so that \r\n|       others do not talk to me\r\n|       <*Answer_8888*>\r\n|  26.  Cut conversations short\r\n|       <*Answer_8889*>\r\n
|  27.  Monitor what I say in conversations\r\n|       <*Answer_8890*>\r\n|  28.  Pretend I do not see or recognize someone so that I do not have to \r\n|       speak with them\r\n|       <*Answer_8891*>\r\n|\r\n|  PANIC\r\n|\r\n|  29.  Tak
e it easy when I exercise (or do other activities that require \r\n|       physical exertion) so my heart rate does not get too high\r\n|       <*Answer_8892*>\r\n|  30.  Stay on the outside of crowds and\/or monitor for exits or escape rou
tes\r\n|       <*Answer_8893*>\r\n|  31.  Carry a medication in case I need it\r\n|       <*Answer_8894*>\r\n|  32.  Check my pulse or heart rate\r\n|       <*Answer_8895*>\r\n|  33.  Check that I can swallow without choking\r\n|       <*An
swer_8896*>\r\n|  34.  Stay within certain distances from home (or other safe places)\r\n|       <*Answer_8897*>\r\n|  35.  Pay attention to body for physical symptoms or sensations\r\n|       <*Answer_8898*>\r\n|\r\n|  HEALTH ANXIETY\r\n|\
r\n|  36.  Call doctors' offices (or health-lines) frequently\r\n|       <*Answer_8899*>\r\n|  37.  Check my body for problems (pain, discomfort, symmetry, discoloration, \r\n|       new growth, etc.)\r\n|       <*Answer_8900*>\r\n|  38.  R
esearch medical symptoms on the internet\r\n|       <*Answer_8901*>\r\n|  39.  Check my body temperature\r\n|       <*Answer_8902*>\r\n|  40.  Talk to others about my health or health-related activities\r\n|       <*Answer_8903*>\r\n|  41. 
":81371,"introId":2482,"introText":"VIGILANCE|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or f
 Request specialized medical exams from providers\r\n|       <*Answer_8904*>\r\n|  \r\n|Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment \r\n|and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment \r\n
|results should be verified for accuracy and used in conjunction with \r\n|other diagnostic activities."},"scaleGroup":[{"grid1":0,"grid2":0,"grid3":0,"id":350,"instrument":300,"name":"SBAF","ordInc":10,"ordMax":123,"ordMin":0,"ordTitle":"S
core","scale":[{"groupId":350,"id":1466,"name":"Total","sequence":10,"xLabel":"TOTAL"},{"groupId":350,"id":1467,"name":"Vigilance","sequence":20,"xLabel":"VIGIL"},{"groupId":350,"id":1468,"name":"Generalized Anxiety","sequence":30,"xLabel":
"G-ANX"},{"groupId":350,"id":1469,"name":"Social Anxiety","sequence":40,"xLabel":"S-ANX"},{"groupId":350,"id":1470,"name":"Panic","sequence":50,"xLabel":"PANIC"},{"groupId":350,"id":1471,"name":"Health Anxiety","sequence":60,"xLabel":"H-ANX
"},{"groupId":350,"id":1472,"name":"PTSD","sequence":70,"xLabel":"PTSD"}],"sequence":10}],"spec":{"entryChecksum":4004251928,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"SBAF\",
\r\n \"restartDays\": 2,\r\n \"printTitle\": \"Safety Behavior Assessment Form\",\r\n \"content\":[\r\n   {\"id\": \"i2482\", \"type\": \"IntroText\",\r\n    \"text\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of b
ehaviors that people sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\"\r\n    },\r\n  
 {\"id\": \"q8864\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"1. Scope places out before entering\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of be
haviors that people sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"column
s\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2
requently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8868,"questionText":"Make up contingency plans in case someone is physically aggressive or there is some kind of emergency","required":false,"respo
},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8865\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"2. Sit with back to wall\",\r\n    \"intro
\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describe
s how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickK
ey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8866\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"i
nline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"3. Rush through stores or go directly to desired items and leave as quickly as\r\n possible\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people
 sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"ch
oices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\":
 \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8867\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"4. Check yard or the area around your home (\\u0022Perimeter 
Checks\\u0022)\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n respon
se that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"te
xt\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8868\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQues
tion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"5. Make up contingency plans in case someone is physically aggressive or there is
\r\n some kind of emergency\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick t
he\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"
c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8869\", \"type\":
 \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"6. Walk slowly to let someone pass who is close behind\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors tha
t people sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n
    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     
{\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8870\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"7. Watch others for signs of danger\",\r\n    \"intro
\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describe
s how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickK
ey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8871\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"i
nline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"8. Check locks on doors or windows\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>VIGILANCE<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to\r\n make themselves feel more comfortab
le. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Neve
r\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n
   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"i2495\", \"type\": \"IntroText\",\r\n    \"text\": \"<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people\r\n sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <b
r \/>For each behavior\r\n please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently\r\n you engage in that behavior.\"\r\n    },\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8872\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\":
 false,\r\n    \"text\": \"9. Over-plan for everyday events\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people\r\n sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortab
le. <br \/>For each behavior\r\n please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently\r\n you engage in that behavior.\",
\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\",
Id":15089,"designator":"6.","hint":null,"id":8934,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2482,"introText":"VIGILANCE|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each
 \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8873\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"10. Call or contact loved 
ones to make sure they are ok\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people\r\n sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior\r
\n please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently\r\n you engage in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n    
 {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8874\
", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"11. Procrastinate before I start something or make a decision\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Bel
ow is a list of behaviors that people\r\n sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior\r\n please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently\r\n you engage in that behavior.\
",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\
", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8875\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"12. Research things befo
re I start or before making a decision\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people\r\n sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each b
ehavior\r\n please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently\r\n you engage in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}
 behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8869,"questionText":"Walk slowly to let someone pass who is close b
,\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\":
 \"q8876\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"13. Try to do things perfectly\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behavi
ors that people\r\n sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior\r\n please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently\r\n you engage in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\":
 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r
\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8877\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"14. Monitor the clock\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<
strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people
\r\n sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior\r\n please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently\r\n you engage in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"ch
oices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\":
 \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8878\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"15. Ask others for reassurance (e.g., about a decision or wor
ry)\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>GENERALIZED ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people\r\n sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior\r\n please pick the respons
e that most accurately describes how often or frequently\r\n you engage in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"tex
t\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"i2496\", \"type\": \"IntroText\"
,\r\n    \"text\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most
 accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\"\r\n    },\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8879\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"16. Monitor others' reactions to t
hings I say\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the resp
onse that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"
text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8880\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQu
estion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"17. Prepare things to say while others are talking\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people s
ometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choi
ces\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \
"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8881\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"18. Talk through silences or talk so that silences do not occur
\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that m
ost accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\
", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8882\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"19. Be overly polite or agreeable\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SO
CIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or
 frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n 
    {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8883\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false
,\r\n    \"text\": \"20. Attempt to hide anxiety (e.g., put hands in pocket because they are shaking)\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n t
o make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\
entifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"7.","hint":null,"id":8935,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2482,"introText":"VIGILANCE|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel 
"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\"
: \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8884\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"21. Leave events or activities early\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANX
IETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequen
tly you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"i
d\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8885\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n   
 \"text\": \"22. Make little eye contact\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each beha
vior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r
\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"
q8886\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"23. Respond to calls with text messages\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behav
iors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick
more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8870,"questionText":"Watch others for
\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": 
\"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8887\", \"type\
": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"24. Plan and\/or rehearse what I am going to say ahead of time\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list o
f behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"co
lumns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\
": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8888\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"25. Make myself look busy while at wor
k or when out in public so that others do\r\n not talk to me\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. 
<br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\",
 \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]
},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8889\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"26. Cut conversations short\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list 
ull,"id":8929,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2482,"introText":"VIGILANCE|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response t
 signs of danger","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":70},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5462,"choiceText":"Sometimes","ien":10
of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"c
olumns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey
\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8890\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"27. Monitor what I say in conversatio
ns\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that
 most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \
"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8891\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\",
 \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"28. Pretend I do not see or recognize someone so that I do not have to speak with\r\n them\",
\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>SOCIAL ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most
 accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. S
ometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"i2497\", \"type\": \"IntroText\",\r\n    \"
text\": \"<strong><i>PANIC<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make\r\n themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describe
s how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\"\r\n    },\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8892\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"29. Take it easy when I exercise (or do other activiti
es that require physical\r\n exertion) so my heart rate does not get too high\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>PANIC<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make\r\n themselves feel more comfo
rtable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. 
Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}
\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8893\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"30. Stay on the outside of crowds and\/or monitor for exits or escape routes\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>PAN
IC<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make\r\n themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequentl
y you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\
": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8894\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \
"text\": \"31. Carry a medication in case I need it\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>PANIC<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make\r\n themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each be
0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"8.","hint":null,"id":8936,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2482,"introText":"VIGILANCE|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make thems
havior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": 
\"q8895\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"32. Check my pulse or heart rate\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>PANIC<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that peop
le sometimes use to make\r\n themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the
\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5
462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8896\", \"type\": \
"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"33. Check that I can swallow without choking\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>PANIC<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometim
es use to make\r\n themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":
[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464
\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8897\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"34. Stay within certain distances from home (or other safe places)\",
elves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8871,"questionText":"Check
\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>PANIC<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make\r\n themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurate
ly describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\
", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8898\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\":
 false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"35. Pay attention to body for physical symptoms or sensations\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>PANIC<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make\
r\n themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick the\r\n response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in\r\n that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id
\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \
"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"i2498\", \"type\": \"IntroText\",\r\n    \"text\": \"<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themsel
ves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\"\r\n    },\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8899\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"r
equired\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"36. Call doctors' offices (or health-lines) frequently\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes 
use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r
 locks on doors or windows","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":80},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":
\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8900\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": 
false,\r\n    \"text\": \"37. Check my body for problems (pain, discomfort, symmetry, discoloration, new\r\n growth, etc.)\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that peopl
e sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"c
hoices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\"
: \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8901\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"38. Research medical symptoms on the internet\",\r\n    \"in
tro\": \"<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately 
describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", 
\"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8902\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": fa
lse, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"39. Check my body temperature\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more c
omfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \
"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\"
: 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8903\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \"text\": \"40. Talk to others about my health or health-related activities\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIE
TY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortable. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequentl
y you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\
": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8904\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false,\r\n    \
"text\": \"41. Request specialized medical exams from providers\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"<strong><i>HEALTH ANXIETY<\/i><\/strong><br \/> <br \/>Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use\r\n to make themselves feel more comfortabl
e. <br \/>For each behavior please pick\r\n the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage\r\n in that behavior.\",
\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5461\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5462\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5463\", \"text\": \"2. Often\",
 \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5464\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}]\r\n}","instrument":300,"lastUpdate":"2022-12-02T18:48:22","specIen":151},"verify":["601.71:300","601.72:8864","601.72:8865","601.72:8866","60
gnator":"1.","hint":null,"id":8970,"instrument":301,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.  |For each behavior please pick the respon
se that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8905,"questionText":"Scope places out before entering","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"respon
t":"GENERALIZED ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage i
r":"2.","hint":null,"id":8971,"instrument":301,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.  |For each behavior please pick the response th
at most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8906,"questionText":"Sit with back to wall","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCH
":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42335,"choiceTypeId":15090,"designator":"3.","hint":null,"id":8972,"instrument":301,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel mo
re comfortable.  |For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8907,"questionText":"Check yard or the a
rea around your home (\"Perimeter Checks\")","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":30},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5465,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109144,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5466,"choic
n that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8872,"questionText":"Over-plan for everyday events","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":90},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceTe
":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42335,"choiceTypeId":15090,"designator":"4.","hint":null,"id":8973,"instrument":301,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use t
o make themselves feel more comfortable.  |For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8908,"questionT
ext":"Make up contingency plans in case someone is physically aggressive or there is some kind of emergency","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":40},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5465,"choiceText":"Never","i
oText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.  |For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max
":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8909,"questionText":"Walk slowly to let someone pass who is close behind","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":50},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5465,"choiceTe
Id":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.  |For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that be
havior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8910,"questionText":"Watch others for signs of danger","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":60},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5465,"choiceText":"
designator":"7.","hint":null,"id":8976,"instrument":301,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.  |For each behavior please pick the re
sponse that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8911,"questionText":"Check locks on doors or windows","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"res
ator":"8.","hint":null,"id":8977,"instrument":301,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.  |For each behavior please pick the response
 that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8912,"questionText":"Pretend I do not see or recognize someone so that I do not have to speak with t
hat most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8864,"questionText":"Scope places out before entering","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTyp
tifierIen":42335,"choiceTypeId":15090,"designator":"9.","hint":null,"id":8978,"instrument":301,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.
  |For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8913,"questionText":"Cut conversations short","required
35,"choiceTypeId":15090,"designator":"10.","hint":null,"id":8979,"instrument":301,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2483,"introText":"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.  |For each b
ehavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. ","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8914,"questionText":"Leave events or activities early","required":fa
lse,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":100}],"display":[{"alignment":"L","columns":1,"component":"RA","fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":8,"fontUnderl
"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":8,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":81371,"left":3,"mask":null},{"alignment":"L","columns":0,"component":null,"fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSiz
oId":2495,"introText":"GENERALIZED ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or freq
e":8,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":81372,"left":2,"mask":null}],"info":{"author":"Goodson, Jason T.","auxDate":null,"auxVersion":null,"copyrightText":null,"copyrighted":false,"dllDate":null,"dllVersion":null,"enteredBy":"Kevin Meldrum","entry
Date":"2022-09-10","fullText":true,"id":301,"interpretiveText":"Guide for interpreting SBAF-PTSD scores (raw score range 0-30):\r\nHigher scores are suggestive of more frequent safety behavior usage.","lastEditDate":3221202.1602,"lastEdited
By":"Kevin Meldrum","legacy":false,"licenseCurrent":false,"name":"SBAF-PTSD","national":true,"normSample":null,"operational":"Y","printTitle":"Safety Behavior Assessment Form - PTSD","publicationDate":null,"publisher":null,"purpose":null,"r
eference":"Goodson, J.T, Haeffel, G.J., Raush, D.A.,& Hershenberg, R. (2016).  The safety behavior assessment form:  Development and validation.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 72, 10, 1099-1111.  DOI: 10.1002\/jclp.22325.","requireSignatu
nal":true},"report":{"id":222,"instrument":301,"template":"|Safety Behavior Assessment Form - PTSD (SBAF-PTSD)\r\n|  \r\n|   Date Given: <.Date_Given.>\r\n|   Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By.>\r\n|   Location:  <.Location.>\r\n|  \r\n|   Vete
ran:  <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>\r\n|   SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>\r\n|   DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)\r\n|   Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>\r\n|  \r\n|<*Answer_7771*>\r\n|\r\n|   Raw scores range from 0-30, with higher scores su
ggestive of more frequent \r\n|   safety behavior usage.\r\n|  \r\n|  \r\n|Questions and Answers:\r\n|  \r\n|   1.  Scope places out before entering\r\n|       <*Answer_8905*>\r\n|   2.  Sit with back to wall\r\n|       <*Answer_8906*>\r\n|
   3.  Check yard or the area around your home (\"Perimeter Checks\")\r\n|       <*Answer_8907*>\r\n|   4.  Make up contingency plans in case someone is physically aggressive or\r\n|       there is some kind of emergency\r\n|       <*Answer
_8908*>\r\n|   5.  Walk slowly to let someone pass who is close behind\r\n|       <*Answer_8909*>\r\n|   6.  Watch others for signs of danger\r\n|       <*Answer_8910*>\r\n|   7.  Check locks on doors or windows\r\n|       <*Answer_8911*>\r
uently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8873,"questionText":"Call or contact loved ones to make sure they are ok","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":
\n|   8.  Pretend I do not see or recognize someone so that I do not have to \r\n|       speak with them\r\n|       <*Answer_8912*>\r\n|   9.  Cut conversations short\r\n|       <*Answer_8913*>\r\n|  10.  Leave events or activities early\r\
n|       <*Answer_8914*>\r\n|  \r\n|Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment \r\n|and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment \r\n|results should be verified for accuracy and used in
 conjunction with \r\n|other diagnostic activities."},"scaleGroup":[{"grid1":0,"grid2":0,"grid3":0,"id":351,"instrument":301,"name":"SBAF-PTSD","ordInc":5,"ordMax":30,"ordMin":0,"ordTitle":"Score","scale":[{"groupId":351,"id":1473,"name":"P
TSD","sequence":10,"xLabel":"PTSD"}],"sequence":10}],"spec":{"entryChecksum":1925357536,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"SBAF-PTSD\", \r\n \"copyright\": \"Copyright Jason T. Goodson\", \r\n \"restartDays\": 2, \r\n \"printTitle\": \"Safety Behavi
or Assessment Form - PTSD\", \r\n \"content\":[\r\n   {\"id\": \"i2483\", \"type\": \"IntroText\", \r\n    \"text\": \"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each beh
avior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \"\r\n    }, 
\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8905\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"1. Scope places out before entering\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make 
themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id
\": \"c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\"
: \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8906\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"2. Sit with back to wall\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of behaviors t
hat people sometimes use to make themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r
\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n
     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8907\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"3. Check yard or the area around your home (\\
u0022Perimeter Checks\\u0022)\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes
 how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKe
y\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8908\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \
"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"4. Make up contingency plans in case someone is physically aggressive or there is\r\n some kind of emergency\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themse
lves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"
c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\": \"3.
 Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8909\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"5. Walk slowly to let someone pass who is close behind\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below 
is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r
\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\"
, \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, 
\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8910\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"6. Watch others for signs of danger\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make 
themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id
\": \"c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\"
: \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8911\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"7. Check locks on doors or windows\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of b
ehaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"column
s\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\"
: 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8912\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"8. Pretend I do not see or recognize
instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2495,"introText":"GENERALIZED ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that m
 someone so that I do not have to speak with\r\n them\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\
r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1
. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8913\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\"
, \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"9. Cut conversations short\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel\r\n more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior 
please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5465\", \"text\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n   
  {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}, \r\n   {\"id\": \"q8
914\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": false, \"inline\": false, \r\n    \"text\": \"10. Leave events or activities early\", \r\n    \"intro\": \"Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel\r\n
 more comfortable.  <br \/>For each behavior please pick the response that most\r\n accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior. \", \r\n    \"columns\": 1, \r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5465\", \"te
xt\": \"0. Never\", \"quickKey\": 0}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5466\", \"text\": \"1. Sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 1}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5467\", \"text\": \"2. Often\", \"quickKey\": 2}, \r\n     {\"id\": \"c5468\", \"text\": \"3. Always\", \"
quickKey\": 3}\r\n   ]}]\r\n}","instrument":301,"lastUpdate":"2022-10-19T18:24:31","specIen":152},"verify":["601.71:301","601.72:8905","601.72:8906",
ost accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8874,"questionText":"Procrastinate before I start something or make a decision","required":false,"responseTy
"xchg":{"date":3221205.102231,"description":"(no description)","name":"YS*5.01*218 SBAF","source":"MELDRUM@CAMP MASTER","version":1.02}}
15089,"designator":"12.","hint":null,"id":8940,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2495,"introText":"GENERALIZED ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|F
or each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8875,"questionText":"Research things before I start or befor
e making a decision","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":120},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":
xt":"GENERALIZED ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage 
in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8876,"questionText":"Try to do things perfectly","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":130},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceTex
Id":2495,"introText":"GENERALIZED ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequ
ently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8877,"questionText":"Monitor the clock","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":140},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"c
1,"introId":2495,"introText":"GENERALIZED ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often 
or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8878,"questionText":"Ask others for reassurance (e.g., about a decision or worry)","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHO
null,"id":8944,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the resp
onse that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8879,"questionText":"Monitor others' reactions to things I say","required":false,"responseTypeId"
.","hint":null,"id":8930,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2482,"introText":"VIGILANCE|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the
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that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,
"questionId":8880,"questionText":"Prepare things to say while others are talking","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":170},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0
Value":3,"sequence":4}],"choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"18.","hint":null,"id":8946,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r
\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,
"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8881,"questionText":"Talk through silences or talk so that silences do not occur","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":180},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"cho
"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or freq
 response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8865,"questionText":"Sit with back to wall","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTyp
uently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8882,"questionText":"Be overly polite or agreeable","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":190},{"choice":[{"choi
Display":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes ho
w often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8883,"questionText":"Attempt to hide anxiety (e.g., put hands in pocket because they are shaking)","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,
isplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"21.","hint":null,"id":8949,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a list of behaviors 
that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,
"questionId":8884,"questionText":"Leave events or activities early","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":210},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"sequence":1}
ence":4}],"choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"22.","hint":null,"id":8950,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Below is a 
list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min":0,"quest
ionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8885,"questionText":"Make little eye contact","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":220},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140,"legacyValue":0,"seq
":3,"sequence":4}],"choiceDisplay":81351,"choiceIdentifier":0,"choiceIdentifierIen":42334,"choiceTypeId":15089,"designator":"23.","hint":null,"id":8951,"instrument":300,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2496,"introText":"SOCIAL ANXIETY|\r\n|Be
low is a list of behaviors that people sometimes use to make themselves feel more comfortable.\r\n|For each behavior please pick the response that most accurately describes how often or frequently you engage in that behavior.","max":0,"min"
:0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8886,"questionText":"Respond to calls with text messages","required":false,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":230},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5461,"choiceText":"Never","ien":109140
(no description)