YS*5.01*218 HIT-6 (99)    MH INSTRUMENT EXCHANGE (601.95)

Name Value
NAME YS*5.01*218 HIT-6
DATE CREATED 2022-12-05 17:28:43
measure the impact headaches have on your ability to function on the job, at school, at home \r\n and in social situations. Your score shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was d
wer for each\r\n question.<\/i>\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5511\", \"text\": \"1. never\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5512\", \"text\": \"2. rarely\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c
5513\", \"text\": \"3. sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 3},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5514\", \"text\": \"4. very often\", \"quickKey\": 4},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5515\", \"text\": \"5. always\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8959\", \"typ
e\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true,
\r\n    \"text\": \"6. In the past 4 weeks, how often did headaches limit your ability to concentrate\r\n on work or daily activities?\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to\r\n fun
ction on the job, at school, at home  and in social situations. Your score\r\n shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts fr
om\r\n neurology and primary care medicine in collaboration with the psychometricians\r\n who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was designed\r\n to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you
 cannot do\r\n because of headaches. <br \/><br \/><i>To complete, please select one answer for each\r\n question.<\/i>\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5511\", \"text\": \"1. never\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n
     {\"id\": \"c5512\", \"text\": \"2. rarely\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5513\", \"text\": \"3. sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 3},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5514\", \"text\": \"4. very often\", \"quickKey\": 4},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c551
5\", \"text\": \"5. always\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n   ]}]\r\n}","instrument":305,"lastUpdate":"2022-12-05T16:08:13","specIen":157},"verify":["601.71:305","601.72:8954","601.72:8955","601.72:8956","601.72:8957","601.72:8958","601.72:8959","60
eveloped by an international team of headache experts from neurology and primary care medicine\r\n in collaboration with the psychometricians who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was\r\n designed to help you de
15127","601.91:15128","601.91:15129","601.91:15130","601.91:15131"]}],"xchg":{"date":3221205.172843,"description":"(no description)","name":"YS*5.01*218 HIT-6","source":"MELDRUM@CAMP MASTER","version":1.02}}
scribe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do because of headaches.\r\n||To complete, please select one answer for each question.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8955,"questionText":"How often do heada
ches limit your ability to do usual daily activities including household work, work, school, or social activities?","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":20},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5511,"choiceText":"nev
ext":"very often","ien":109200,"legacyValue":11,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":5515,"choiceText":"always","ien":109201,"legacyValue":13,"sequence":5}],"choiceDisplay":81355,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42350,"choiceTypeId":15105,"d
esignator":"3.","hint":null,"id":9021,"instrument":305,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2490,"introText":"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to function on the job, at school, at home \r\n and in social si
tuations. Your score shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability
\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts from neurology and primary care medicine\r\n in collaboration with the psychometricians who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was\
r\n designed to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do because of headaches.\r\n||To complete, please select one answer for each question.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8956,"questi
n":109199,"legacyValue":10,"sequence":3},{"choiceId":5514,"choiceText":"very often","ien":109200,"legacyValue":11,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":5515,"choiceText":"always","ien":109201,"legacyValue":13,"sequence":5}],"choiceDisplay":81355,"choic
onText":"When you have a headache, how often do you wish you could lie down?","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":30},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5511,"choiceText":"never","ien":109197,"legacyValue":6,"sequ
ence":1},{"choiceId":5512,"choiceText":"rarely","ien":109198,"legacyValue":8,"sequence":2},{"choiceId":5513,"choiceText":"sometimes","ien":109199,"legacyValue":10,"sequence":3},{"choiceId":5514,"choiceText":"very often","ien":109200,"legacy
"instrument":305,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2490,"introText":"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to function on the job, at school, at home \r\n and in social situations. Your score shows you the eff
ect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts from neurology and primary care medicine\r\n in collaboration with the psychometricians who develo
ped the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was\r\n designed to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do because of headaches.\r\n||To complete, please select one answer for each question.","max
":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8957,"questionText":"In the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt too tired to do work or daily activities because of your headaches?","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"M
ien":109199,"legacyValue":10,"sequence":3},{"choiceId":5514,"choiceText":"very often","ien":109200,"legacyValue":11,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":5515,"choiceText":"always","ien":109201,"legacyValue":13,"sequence":5}],"choiceDisplay":81355,"cho
iceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42350,"choiceTypeId":15105,"designator":"5.","hint":null,"id":9023,"instrument":305,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2490,"introText":"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your abil
eIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42350,"choiceTypeId":15105,"designator":"1.","hint":null,"id":9019,"instrument":305,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2490,"introText":"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your abilit
ity to function on the job, at school, at home \r\n and in social situations. Your score shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache 
experts from neurology and primary care medicine\r\n in collaboration with the psychometricians who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was\r\n designed to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and wh
at you cannot do because of headaches.\r\n||To complete, please select one answer for each question.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8958,"questionText":"In the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt fed up or irritated
 because of your headaches?","required":true,"responseTypeId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":50},{"choice":[{"choiceId":5511,"choiceText":"never","ien":109197,"legacyValue":6,"sequence":1},{"choiceId":5512,"choiceText":"rarely","
"very often","ien":109200,"legacyValue":11,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":5515,"choiceText":"always","ien":109201,"legacyValue":13,"sequence":5}],"choiceDisplay":81355,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42350,"choiceTypeId":15105,"design
ator":"6.","hint":null,"id":9024,"instrument":305,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2490,"introText":"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to function on the job, at school, at home \r\n and in social situati
ons. Your score shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts from neurology and primary care medicine\r\n in collaboration wit
h the psychometricians who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was\r\n designed to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do because of headaches.\r\n||To complete, please select on
e answer for each question.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8959,"questionText":"In the past 4 weeks, how often did headaches limit your ability to concentrate on work or daily activities?","required":true,"responseTyp
y to function on the job, at school, at home \r\n and in social situations. Your score shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache ex
eId":1,"responseTypeText":"MCHOICE","sequence":60}],"display":[{"alignment":"L","columns":5,"component":"RA","fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":8,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":
81355,"left":8,"mask":"662|||"},{"alignment":"L","columns":0,"component":null,"fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":8,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":81371,"left":3,"mask":null},{"a
lignment":"L","columns":0,"component":null,"fontBold":false,"fontColor":"clWindowText","fontItalic":false,"fontName":"MS Sans Serif","fontSize":8,"fontUnderlined":false,"id":81372,"left":2,"mask":null}],"info":{"author":"Kosinski M; Bayliss
 MS; Bjorner JB; Ware JE; Garber WH; Batenhorst A; Cady R; Dahlof CG; Tepper S","auxDate":null,"auxVersion":null,"copyrightText":"2001 QualityMetric, Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies. All rights reserved.","copyrighted":true,"dll
Date":null,"dllVersion":null,"enteredBy":"Kevin Meldrum","entryDate":"2022-11-02","fullText":true,"id":305,"interpretiveText":"Guide for interpreting HIT-6 scores (range 36-78):\r\n  Larger scores reflect greater impact.\r\n  Scores over 50
 may indicate significant impact on functioning.","lastEditDate":3221205.1625,"lastEditedBy":"Kevin Meldrum","legacy":false,"licenseCurrent":false,"name":"HIT-6","national":true,"normSample":null,"operational":"Y","printTitle":"Headache Imp
act Test","publicationDate":2001,"publisher":"QualityMetric, Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies","purpose":null,"reference":"Kosinski M, Bayliss MS, Bjorner JB, Ware JE Jr, Garber WH, Batenhorst A, Cady R, Dahlof CG, Dowson A, Tepp
er S. A six-item short-form survey for measuring headache impact: the HIT-6. Qual Life Res. 2003 Dec;12(8):963-74 & Bjorner JB, Kosinski M, Ware JE Jr. Using item response theory to calibrate the Headache Impact Test (HIT) to the metric of 
traditional headache scales. Qual Life Res. 2003 Dec;12(8):981-1002","requireSignature":false,"requiresLicense":"N","scoringRevision":1,"scoringRoutine":null,"scoringTag":null,"staffOnly":null,"submitNational":true,"suicideriskRoutine":null
,"suicideriskTag":null,"targetPopulation":null,"version":null,"wasOperational":true},"report":{"id":226,"instrument":305,"template":"|Headache Impact Test (HIT-6)\r\n|  \r\n|   Date Given: <.Date_Given.>\r\n|   Clinician: <.Staff_Ordered_By
perts from neurology and primary care medicine\r\n in collaboration with the psychometricians who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was\r\n designed to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what
.>\r\n|   Location:  <.Location.>\r\n|  \r\n|   Veteran:  <.Patient_Name_Last_First.>\r\n|   SSN: <.Patient_SSN.>\r\n|   DOB: <.Patient_Date_Of_Birth.> (<.Patient_Age.>)\r\n|   Gender: <.Patient_Gender.>\r\n|\r\n|  \r\n|   HIT-6 Total Score
 = <-Total->\r\n|\r\n|   The HIT-6 total score ranges between 36 and 78, with larger scores
\r\n|   reflecting greater impact. Scores over 50 may indicate significant\r\n|   impact on functioning.\r\n|  \r\n|  \r\n|Questions and Answers:\r\n|  \r\n|   1.  When you have headaches, how often is the pain severe?\r\n|       <*Answer_8
954*>\r\n|   2.  How often do headaches limit your ability to do usual daily\r\n|       activities including household work, work, school, or social \r\n|       activities?\r\n|       <*Answer_8955*>\r\n|   3.  When you have a headache, how
 often do you wish you could lie down?\r\n|       <*Answer_8956*>\r\n|   4.  In the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt too tired to do work or\r\n|       daily activities because of your headaches?\r\n|       <*Answer_8957*>\r\n|   5.  I
n the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt fed up or irritated \r\n|       because of your headaches?\r\n|       <*Answer_8958*>\r\n|   6.  In the past 4 weeks, how often did headaches limit your ability to\r\n|       concentrate on work o
r daily activities?\r\n|       <*Answer_8959*>\r\n|  \r\n|Information contained in this note is based on a self-report assessment \r\n|and is not sufficient to use alone for diagnostic purposes. Assessment \r\n|results should be verified fo
r accuracy and used in conjunction with \r\n|other diagnostic activities.\r\n||(c) 2001 QualityMetric, Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies.\r\n|All rights reserved."},"scaleGroup":[{"grid1":0,"grid2":0,"grid3":0,"id":356,"instrument
8954,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"rarely","value":8},{"id":15104,"questionId":8954,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"sometimes","value":10},{"id":15105,"questionId":8954,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"very often","value":11},{"id":15106,"questionI
 you cannot do because of headaches.\r\n||To complete, please select one answer for each question.","max":0,"min":0,"questionDisplay":81372,"questionId":8954,"questionText":"When you have headaches, how often is the pain severe?","required"
5,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"sometimes","value":10},{"id":15110,"questionId":8955,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"very often","value":11},{"id":15111,"questionId":8955,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"always","value":13},{"id":15112,"questionId"
56,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"very often","value":11},{"id":15116,"questionId":8956,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"always","value":13},{"id":15117,"questionId":8957,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"never","value":6},{"id":15118,"questionId":895
7,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"rarely","value":8},{"id":15119,"questionId":8957,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"sometimes","value":10},{"id":15120,"questionId":8957,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"very often","value":11},{"id":15121,"questionId":
scaleId":1481,"targetText":"sometimes","value":10},{"id":15125,"questionId":8958,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"very often","value":11},{"id":15126,"questionId":8958,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"always","value":13},{"id":15127,"questionId":89
"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"very often","value":11},{"id":15131,"questionId":8959,"scaleId":1481,"targetText":"always","value":13}],"sequence":10,"xLabel":
"TOTAL"}],"sequence":10}],"spec":{"entryChecksum":1562983970,"entrySpec":"{\"name\": \"HIT-6\",\r\n \"copyright\": \"2001 QualityMetric, Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies. All rights\r\n reserved.\",\r\n \"restartDays\": 2,\r\n \"
printTitle\": \"Headache  Impact Test\",\r\n \"content\":[\r\n   {\"id\": \"i2490\", \"type\": \"IntroText\",\r\n    \"text\": \"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to\r\n function on the job, at school, 
at home  and in social situations. Your score\r\n shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts from\r\n neurology and primary 
care medicine in collaboration with the psychometricians\r\n who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was designed\r\n to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do\r\n because of hea
daches. <br \/><br \/><i>To complete, please select one answer for each\r\n question.<\/i>\"\r\n    },\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8954\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true,\r\n    \"text\": \"1. When you have headach
es, how often is the pain severe?\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to\r\n function on the job, at school, at home  and in social situations. Your score\r\n shows you the effect t
hat headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts from\r\n neurology and primary care medicine in collaboration with the psychometricians\r\n who develop
ed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was designed\r\n to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do\r\n because of headaches. <br \/><br \/><i>To complete, please select one answer for each\
r\n question.<\/i>\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5511\", \"text\": \"1. never\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5512\", \"text\": \"2. rarely\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5513\", \"tex
t\": \"3. sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 3},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5514\", \"text\": \"4. very often\", \"quickKey\": 4},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5515\", \"text\": \"5. always\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8955\", \"type\": \"Choice
Question\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true,\r\n    \"text\": \"2. How often do headaches limit your ability to do usual daily activities\r\n including household work, work, school, or social activities?\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"HIT is a
2},{"choiceId":5513,"choiceText":"sometimes","ien":109199,"legacyValue":10,"sequence":3},{"choiceId":5514,"choiceText":"very often","ien":109200,"legacyValue":11,"sequence":4},{"choiceId":5515,"choiceText":"always","ien":109201,"legacyValue
 tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to\r\n function on the job, at school, at home  and in social situations. Your score\r\n shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to f
unction. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts from\r\n neurology and primary care medicine in collaboration with the psychometricians\r\n who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was desig
ned\r\n to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do\r\n because of headaches. <br \/><br \/><i>To complete, please select one answer for each\r\n question.<\/i>\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[
\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5511\", \"text\": \"1. never\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5512\", \"text\": \"2. rarely\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5513\", \"text\": \"3. sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 3},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5514
\", \"text\": \"4. very often\", \"quickKey\": 4},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5515\", \"text\": \"5. always\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8956\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true,\r\n    \"text\"
: \"3. When you have a headache, how often do you wish you could lie down?\",
\r\n    \"intro\": \"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to\r\n function on the job, at school, at home  and in social situations. Your score\r\n shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily l
ife and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts from\r\n neurology and primary care medicine in collaboration with the psychometricians\r\n who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool.
 This questionnaire was designed\r\n to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do\r\n because of headaches. <br \/><br \/><i>To complete, please select one answer for each\r\n question.<\/i>\",\r\n    \"colum
ns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5511\", \"text\": \"1. never\", \"quickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5512\", \"text\": \"2. rarely\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5513\", \"text\": \"3. sometimes\", \"quickKey\":
":13,"sequence":5}],"choiceDisplay":81355,"choiceIdentifier":1,"choiceIdentifierIen":42350,"choiceTypeId":15105,"designator":"2.","hint":null,"id":9020,"instrument":305,"introDisplay":81371,"introId":2490,"introText":"HIT is a tool used to 
 3},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5514\", \"text\": \"4. very often\", \"quickKey\": 4},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5515\", \"text\": \"5. always\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8957\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"in
line\": true,\r\n    \"text\": \"4. In the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt too tired to do work or daily\r\n activities because of your headaches?\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your 
ability to\r\n function on the job, at school, at home  and in social situations. Your score\r\n shows you the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of h
eadache experts from\r\n neurology and primary care medicine in collaboration with the psychometricians\r\n who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was designed\r\n to help you describe and communicate the way you
 feel and what you cannot do\r\n because of headaches. <br \/><br \/><i>To complete, please select one answer for each\r\n question.<\/i>\",\r\n    \"columns\": 1,\r\n    \"choices\":[\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5511\", \"text\": \"1. never\", \"q
uickKey\": 1},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5512\", \"text\": \"2. rarely\", \"quickKey\": 2},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5513\", \"text\": \"3. sometimes\", \"quickKey\": 3},\r\n     {\"id\": \"c5514\", \"text\": \"4. very often\", \"quickKey\": 4},\r\n  
   {\"id\": \"c5515\", \"text\": \"5. always\", \"quickKey\": 5}\r\n   ]},\r\n   {\"id\": \"q8958\", \"type\": \"ChoiceQuestion\", \"required\": true, \"inline\": true,\r\n    \"text\": \"5. In the past 4 weeks, how often have you felt fed 
up or irritated because of\r\n your headaches?\",\r\n    \"intro\": \"HIT is a tool used to measure the impact headaches have on your ability to\r\n function on the job, at school, at home  and in social situations. Your score\r\n shows you
 the effect that headaches have on normal daily life and your ability\r\n to function. HIT was developed by an international team of headache experts from\r\n neurology and primary care medicine in collaboration with the psychometricians\r\
n who developed the SF-36 health assessment tool. This questionnaire was designed\r\n to help you describe and communicate the way you feel and what you cannot do\r\n because of headaches. <br \/><br \/><i>To complete, please select one ans
(no description)