PLT. EST (27)    DELTA CHECKS (62.1)

Name Value
XECUTABLE CODE X ^LAB(62.1,27,2) I $D(X),LRIDTX]"" S LRPL=$P(^(392),"^",1) S:X="A"&(LRPL>$P(^LAB(60,9,1,70,0),"^",2))&(LRPL<420.1) R=1 S:X="R"&(LRPL<140.1) R=1 S:X="I"&(LRPL>419.9) R=1 W " PLT COUNT: ",LRPL W:'$D(R) *7," **CHECK PLT. EST**" K R
OVERFLOW 1 S LRIDTX=$S($D(^LRO(68,10,1,LRAD,1,LRAN,3)):9999999-^(3),1:"") S:'$D(^LR(LRDFN,"CH",+LRIDTX,392)) LRIDTX="" Q
Could be used on the test, PLT. EST.  Checks if a platelet count was
verified on this accession and if so, displays that value.
If PLT. EST is 'R' and PLT > 140
or PLT. EST is 'I' and PLT < 420
or PLT. EST is 'A' and PLT > 420 or PLT < Ref Low
then a warning will be displayed.