Thank you for your blood donation on [65.5,5] at the [65.54,.02] for the [65.54,.03] donation group.
Remember, you have a special gift that someone else needs---blood, the gift of life. Thank you for sharing your gift.
Your blood, a most precious natural resource, provides the gift of life to at least two other people. Patients' lives are saved and their health is restored as a result of blood donations by caring individuals like you.
As the demand for blood is continuous, and no substitute currently exists, we sincerely urge you to continue your support of the Blood Donor Center, and to assist us in recruiting your friends to also become regular donors.
Blood is one of the few things in life that you can give to others at no cost to yourself.
Your blood type is [65.5,.05] [65.5,.06]. Unless you are otherwise notified, all test results for unexpected antibodies,
hepatitis B virus, HIV (AIDS) virus antibody and syphilis have been found to be negative.