This list computed finding returns a list of patients with
return the Appointment Date/Time in piece 1 and Date Appointment Made in piece
16. A condition such as I $P(V,U,16)>3060301 would be true if the date the
appointment was made was after March 1, 2006. If FLDS is not specified then the
value will be ID=1 (Appointment Date/Time) and ID=2 (Clinic IEN and Name).
STATUS sets a filter on the appointment status; only those
appointments with status on the list will be returned. The possible
values for STATUS are R (Scheduled/Kept), I (Inpatient), NS
(No-show), NSR (No-show, Rescheduled), CP (Cancelled by Patient),
appointments in the specified date range. The COMPUTED
CPR (Cancelled by Patient, Rescheduled), CC (Cancelled by Clinic),
CCR (Cancelled by Clinic, Rescheduled), NT (No Action Taken).
If STATUS is not specified the default is R,I.
LL:Reminder Location List specifies a list of locations so that only
appointments for those locations will be returned. If LL is not
specified, then appointments for all locations will be returned.
FLDS, STATUS, and LL are all optional and can be given in any order.
Some examples:
FINDING PARAMETER can be used to filter the results. The values that
can be used in the parameter are:
FLDS:F1,F2,... where F1,F2 are any of the possible integer ID values listed in
the table for this computed finding in the Computed Finding section of the
Clinical Reminders Managers Manual. These specify what data associated with the
appointment is to be returned; this data can be used in a CONDITION statement.
Field number n will be the nth piece of the value. For example FLDS:1,16 would