This computed finding will be true if the patient was an employee
2. If there is a match, a check is made to see if the patient's New
Person file entry has a pointer to the PAID file. If there is no
pointer, the computed finding is false.
3. If there is a pointer, then Date Entered is compared with Ending
Date/Time. If it is greater, the computing finding is false.
4. Next, a check is made to see if there is a Termination Date. If
there is a Termination Date and it is prior to the Beginning
during the date range specified by the Beginning Date/Time and
Date/Time, the computed finding is false.
5. If steps one through four are passed, the computed finding is true.
Ending Date/Time.
The following algorithm is used to determine if the patient was an
1. A lookup based on the patient's SSN is made in the New Person
file. If there is no match, the computed finding is false.