Name | Value |
DESCRIPTION | The Office of Geriatric Extended Care (OGEC) approved the paper-based required of extended care service are inconsistent. Some facilities use the VA Form 10-7108, VA Form 10064a (Patient Assessment Instrument) or VA Form 1204 (Referral for Community Nursing Home Care), while other sites use various other assessments or consults. OGEC seeks to standardize the process of assessment as well as the data set in order to establish a basis upon which program evaluation and quality performance can be managed. Four clinical reminder dialogs collect data regarding the need for long-term care services in a standard format across VHA. This provides GEC Referral as the preferred method for assessing and screening patients a mechanism for clinicians to administer comprehensive long-term care assessments, stores the information within the patient medical record and allows clinicians to notify local OGEC staff. The screening data is collected as health factors and is stored in the V Health Factor file. There is no cohort or resolution logic associated. The four reminder dialogs are GEC Referral Social Services, GEC Referral Nursing Assessment, GEC Referral Care Recommendations, and GEC Referral Care Coordination. An M-based option routine accompanies these reminders that extracts the data and makes it available for ad hoc reporting. for long-term and extended care services. As part of the Long Term Care Initiative and the Veterans Millennium Health Care and Benefits Act, Public Law 106-177, OGEC identified this tool as the means to standardize long-term care assessments and to prepare for the national collection of data regarding long-term care needs in the veteran population. Current VHA methods of assessing patients to determine the level of care |
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION | I. Basics. IX. Training. are intended only as TIU templates and do not need to be assigned to the CPRS Cover Sheet. Due to potential complications with reporting and duplicate entries, it is recommended that the GEC dialogs not be added to the Reminders drawer/Cover sheet. The Referral was designed for inter-disciplinary use with dialogs created for separate services. However, a single user may perform them all. With only a few exceptions, each section of the dialogs is mandatory and is marked with an asterisk (*). The completion of all four dialogs constitutes a discrete episode of the GEC Referral. The VA-GEC REFERRAL SOCIAL SERVICES, VA-GEC REFERRAL NURSING ASSESSMENT and VA-GEC REFERRAL CARE RECOMMENDATIONS dialogs comprise the clinical screening. The VA-GEC REFERRAL CARE COORDINATION dialog is used administratively to record the arrangement of and funding for extended care services. These dialogs may be performed in any order local practices dictate. However, it is expected the screening portion will be completed prior to the coordination of services. When the screen is complete, a consult order should be placed to the service responsible for arranging services. I. Basics A. GEC Consult Order Most sites have either an individual or service responsible for arranging and coordinating extended care services. To accommodate local business practices and flexibility, sites may associate any consult service (or menu) they already have in place. If none exist, the sites may create a consult or establish some alternative practice to ensure that both services are arranged and that the VA-GEC REFERRAL CARE COORDINATION dialog is completed. A placeholder for this consult is included at the end of the VA-GEC The GEC Referral is comprised of 4 reminder dialogs: VA-GEC SOCIAL REFERRAL SOCIAL SERVICES, VA-GEC REFERRAL NURSING ASSESSMENT and VA-GEC REFERRAL CARE RECOMMENDATIONS dialogs. It must be substituted or deleted at the time of installation. Pre-Installation Requirements Since nationally created orders do not map to local orderable items, orders do not pass through Reminder Exchange. Installation of the Referral will prompt for a resolution of this dialog element. Resolution will consist of either replacing the order with a locally created order, SERVICES, VA-GEC NURSING ASSESSMENT, VA-GEC CARE RECOMMENDATIONS and deleting the element or skipping the step. Consult quick orders are existing functionality that are probably in use at your site. It is also possible that an order has already been created that could be used. To determine this, the installer should contact the CPRS CAC prior to installation and determine if an order is available. If it is, installation will only require entry of the Fileman name-space of the order at the prompt. If it is not, follow the steps in the CAC section below. VA-GEC CARE COORDINATION. These dialogs are designed for use as TIU During installation you will be presented with the following prompt: REMINDER DIALOG entry VA-ORDER GEC REFERRAL CONSULT does not EXIST, what do you want to do? Select one of the following: D Delete (from the reminder/dialog) P Replace (in the reminder/dialog) with an existing entry Q Quit the install templates to enter data regarding the need for extended care. Data The installer should select P (Replace with an existing entry), and enter the name of the existing quick order provided by the CAC using Fileman name. [NOTE: The same quick order may be used on each of the dialogs]. CAC Section 1. The CAC should first determine if a Consult Service exists for the management of extended care services. If it exists, this service can be used for the quick order and you can proceed to step 2. If one does not exist, the CAC will need to create a Consult Service by using the entered via the dialogs are captured as health factors to be used for [GMRC Manager] option [GMRC SETUP REQUEST SERVICES]. a. Recipients of the consult notifications should be GEC staff responsible for coordinating extended care service (or any appropriate user). 2. The CAC should create a consult quick order using the [ORCM MGMT] option [ORCM MENU]. This order should be associated to the Consult Service in the Consult to Service/Specialty field of the quick order. 3. The CAC should then provide the name of the consult quick order to the installer. The installer will then perform the installation and enter the name of the order at the prompt as above. local and national reporting. The software includes a new report menu VI. GEC Interdisciplinary Notes The GEC Referral dialogs are intended for use as TIU templates. It is also expected that they will be used as part of a TIU Interdisciplinary (ID) note. This will require new TIU Document Definitions or the association of existing titles to the dialogs. This project does not stipulate the titles to be used, preferring to allow the sites to use those titles that would best suit their business practices. However, the Office of Geriatrics Extended Care requests that the parent ID note title be: that may be used for local analysis. "GEC EXTENDED CARE REFERRAL" To create a TIU Document Definition, perform the following steps: A. Access the TIU IRM MAINTENANCE MENU. B. Select TIUF DOCUMENT DEFINITION MGR. C. Select Create Document Definitions or Edit Document Definitions. D. Select class and create title. To associate reminder dialogs with TIU templates, perform the following II. GEC Health Factors and their use. steps*: A. Make the GEC Referral dialogs eligible to be used as a template by using the parameter: TIU TEMPLATE REMINDER DIALOGS. B. Associate the dialog to a TIU Document Definition. 1. Go to Shared Templates 2. Click "New Template." 3. Enter a name. 4. Select the Template Type as Reminder Dialog. 5. Pick a GEC dialog from the Reminder Dialog field. II. GEC Health Factors 6. Under Shared Templates, pick Document Titles. 7. In the Associated Title field, pick the Document Definition created or designated for this dialog. 8. Click Apply. (*You will require the Clinical Applications Coordinator User Class.) VII. GEC Referral Reports The software includes a new set of reports that provide a variety of GEC health factor perspectives. The reports are released as an option within The GEC Referral project distributes a large set of national health the Clinical Reminder namespace and may be assigned as necessary. The option is [PXRM GEC REFERRAL REPORT] and may be added to the PXRM MANAGERS MENU. The reports capture data elements for reporting and tracking use of the GEC Referral Screening Tool. The reports may be generated in formatted or delimited output. The Summary (Score) report provides summary (calculated) totals from specific sections of the screening tool identified by the Office of Geriatrics Extended Care. VIII. GEC Reminder Terms Phase I of the GEC Referral project distributes a set of terms that will factors. They may be identified by the GEC name-space and constitute the be used with Phase II. Since Phase II has not yet been initiated, the functional requirements and design have not been identified. However, it is expected to include the national roll-up of GEC screening data using the Generic Extract Utility released concurrently with Clinical Reminders v2.0. To allow the greatest degree of flexibility in design, one reminder term is released for each GEC Referral health factor. The terms are mapped to the health factors on the VA-GEC REFERRAL reminder dialogs. The terms will be installed silently and reside dormant until Phase II of the GEC Referral project is implemented. The reminder definitions used with these terms will be deleted via post-install foundation of the GEC Referral project. They establish a standard set of routine after installation. IX. Training The Office of Geriatric Extended Care (OGEC) will establish a web site to provide training on the GEC screening tool. This training module is being developed with assistance from Employee Education Service and built by ImageITS, a private firm. The module will consist of an interactive tutorial and reference material. OGEC will coordinate the training initiative and serve as the custodian of the web site's content. Facilities may contact OGEC to obtain the website's URL or for more screening data, to be used across the Veterans Health Administration, and information. will be rolled-up nationally in Phase II. The Health Factor and V Health Factor files include factors and categories. For this project, each section of the Referral is correlated III. GEC Status Indicator. to a health factor category. Once entered, the data is stored in the Patient Care Encounter files. The structure of these underlying files has a direct impact on the design of the GEC software. Extracting, viewing and managing this set of data requires the GEC dialogs to remain as they are released. Consequently, the Clinical Reminders package has been modified to prevent the GEC national reminders from being copied. This change was made to the Reminder Dialog, Dialog Group and Dialog Element levels. To accommodate local business practices, sites will be permitted to add locally created health factors to the GEC dialogs. A new List Manager screen is included to facilitate additions and any IV. GEC Referral ad hoc reports (CPRS GUI). subsequent edits to those Groups and Elements added locally. NOTES: -Dialog elements that have an order associated as a finding item will continue to be an editable field using the dialog editor. -Any local changes to the GEC dialogs will not be included with the reports or future national extracts. -GEC health factors are populated with a synonym for identification. V. GEC Referral Reminders and Dialogs. -Sites are discouraged from using the GEC health factors elsewhere. Phase II of the GEC project will involve national roll-up. Since this project has yet to be started, potential extraction rules may not be able to distinguish the data source. -Users should not enter GEC health factors from the Encounter form. While it is possible to do so, Patient Care Encounter only allows one instance of a combination of the health factor, patient and visit IEN. If one is entered via the Encounter, any subsequent entry of that health factor from the reminder dialog will not be available for the GEC reports. This is a consequence of the GEC report A. GEC Consult Order. routines relying on the health factor's Data Source. III. GEC Status Check There is no limit to the entry of GEC Referral data. Thus, there may be multiple entries of the same health factors over time. Since the data is entered via separate dialogs, extraction and viewing requires the data to be discretely identified. The GEC software depends upon the user to indicate when the data from a given referral should be concluded. The referral is finalized using a new feature called the GEC Status VI. GEC Interdisciplinary Notes. Indicator. This indicator is presented to the user as a modal dialog at the conclusion of the VA-GEC CARE COORDINATION dialog. It will prompt the user to indicate the conclusion of the Referral with a Yes or NO response and will list any missing dialogs. If YES is selected, the data for the current episode of the Referral is closed. If No is selected, the Indicator is displayed with each succeeding GEC dialog until Yes is selected. To assist the ongoing management of completing GEC Referrals, the GEC Status Indicator may be added to the CPRS GUI Tools drop-down menu. The VII. GEC Referral Reports (LM CHUI). parameter to activate the Indicator is PXRM GEC STATUS CHECK. If may be set at the User or Team level. If added to the drop-down menu, the Indicator may be viewed at any time and used to close the referral if needed. IV. GEC Referral Ad hoc Reports Two new health summary components have been created and distributed with this software: GEC Completed Referral Count (GECC) and GEC Health Factor Category (GECH). The first displays all GEC referral data according to VIII. GEC Reminder Terms. the occurrence and time limits identified. The GEC Health Factor Category component, in conjunction with PX*1*123 and GMTS*2.7*63, permits GEC data to be viewed by health factor or health factor category. If a user should have access to these GEC reports, they must have access to the Ad Hoc Health Summary type. [This can be set using GMTS GUI HS LIST PARAMETERS.] V. GEC Referral Reminders and Dialogs The GEC reminders are comprised of dialogs and health factors only. They have neither cohort nor resolution logic and will not become due. They |