This parameter defines how access to the manual release action is
RELEASE parameter controls who is allowed to manually release a delayed
order. The OREVNT MANUAL RELEASE parameter is distributed with no
settings, which effectively denies access to manual release if the
control parameter is set to P. In order to have the OREVNT MANUAL RELEASE
parameter control access to the manual release action you must set some
level of the parameter to a positive (YES) value.
3: Both Keys and Parameter - In this setting a check is first made to see
if the user has either the ORES or ORELSE key. If they do not then a
check is made to see if the user will have access through the parameter
controlled. There are three possible settings:
settings. In this setting, if the user does not hold either the ORES or
ORELSE key they could still have access to the action based on your
parameter settings, which may be more liberal than you'd like. Be sure
to check your settings.
1: Keys Only - In this setting only holders of the ORES and ORELSE key
may manually release a delayed order. This is how the system previously
controlled access to this action. If the OREVNT MANUAL RELEASE CONTROL
parameter is not set then this will be the default setting.
2: Manual Release Parameter Only - In this setting the OREVNT MANUAL