This parameter will contain a free text string that contains two pieces
of data delimited by a semicolon ';'. The two pieces of data are: 1)
1/0 (Yes/No) to indicate whether or not the text of the result should be
added to the note, 2) 1/0 (Yes/No) to enter the text of the result as the
significant finding of the Consult. (If you enter a 0, the note will be
auto closed with the text inside.)
Example string: 1;0
I +$P(^MDS(702.01,+Y,0),"^",6)'=2&(+$P(^MDS(702.01,+Y,0),"^",11)'=2)&($P(^MDS(702.01,+Y,0),"^",9)>0) |