This parameter identifies the User Class whose members should have Visible
"ghost-write" documents on behalf of licensed providers, who in turn must
review/sign the content).
If you discover that the Billing Verification Report at your station
includes an unacceptable number of documents entered by users whose work
should not be included in the report, you can "filter the noise" by
identifying a User Class using this parameter, and making sure that only
the people whose work should be reported are added as members to that
User Class.
Black Character Line Counts reported for the TIU documents which they
enter (e.g., Contract Transcriptionists).
If defined, the TIU Billing Verification Report will include documents
entered by members of this class. If left undefined, the TIU Billing
Verification Report will include any document entered by a person who is
neither the author or expected cosigner (which could include in-house
transcriptionists, secretaries, technicians, or students, who