This parameter lists the entry or entries from the Hospital Location
time range entries.
Sequence allows you to map Hospital Location entries in a preferred
order. When creating an encounter in PCE, EDIS will use the entry with
the lowest sequence number to create the visit.
When creating the encounter by using the scheduling package to check-in,
any matches to the list (whether time range or sequence based) will cause
the checked-in patient to be added to the display board.
file (#44) that are used by the Emergency Department. If there are
multiple Hospital Location file entries for the Emergency Department
there are two choices when prompted for "Time Range or Sequence":
Time Range allows you to map Hospital Location entries by time of day.
When creating an encounter in PCE, EDIS will match the Hospital Location
based on the current time of day. You may enter the time range in
military time. For example, 0800-1600 or 1800-2400 would be two possible