This parameter allow you to specify a name and location for the Mental
like this:
AUX DLL: G:\Shared\YS_MHA_AUX.dll
If you wish to specify a location relative to %PROGRAMFILES%, begin the
entry with a single "\". For example, using a different directory and
name, but remaining in "C:\Program Files (x86)":
AUX DLL: \Vista\TestMHA\YS_MHA_AUX_new.dll
Health Assistant AUX DLL. There is no need to use this parameter if the
Remember to use "\" and not "/" in the directory path.
AUX DLL is in the default location. The default location is:
%PROGRAMFILES%\Vista\Common Files\YS_MHA_AUX.dll
If you wish to specify a different location, or use a different name for
the DLL, you may specify it in this parameter. For example, to specify
network drive "G:" in the Shared directory, you might enter something