Results(0) is the total line count or "-1^No bags available for this
Pharmacy order number
Bags unique ID number
The ien from the med log, File 53.79
The date/time of the last action
The status of the last action
The injection site
The first line for a bag that has NO entry in the medlog
Pharmacy order number
Bags unique ID number
Current date
Letter "A" (this indicates a status of Available)
For a bag from a prior order still available for use (passes IV
parameters tests)
Current pharmacy order number
Bags unique ID number
Current date
Letter "A"
Prior pharmacy order number
Additional line indicate additives and solutions first piece will be ADD
for additive and SOL for solutions
Starting at Results(1) each bag will generate varying numbers of lines
IEN from the additives or solutions file
Additive or solution name
Dosage ordered
depending on the number of additives and solutions. Each bag is
delimited by a line that consists only of the word "END".
The first line for a bag that has an entry in the med log indicating an
action has been taken -