Returns the qualifier information for the selected vital types in the
piece1 = V for vital type
piece2 = FILE 120.51 IEN for this vital type
piece3 = vital type name (FILE 120.51, Field .01)
piece4 = Abbreviation (FILE 120.51, Field 1)
piece5 = PCE Abbreviation (FILE 120.51, Field 7)
piece6 = If vital type is Blood Pressure this is the
abnormal systolic high value (File 120.57, Field 5.7).
If vital type is Temperature, this is the abnormal high
value (File 120.57, Field 5.1)
If vital type is Respiration, this is the abnormal high
array specified. Includes the abnormal high and low values for the vital
value (File 120.57, Field 5.5)
If vital type is Pulse, this is the abnormal high value
(File 120.57, Field 5.3)
If vital type is Central Venous Pressure, this is the
abnormal high value (File 120.57, Field 6.1)
piece7 = If vital type is Blood Pressure this is the
abnormal diastolic high value (File 120.57, Field 5.71).
If vital type is Temperature, this is the abnormal low
value (File 120.57, Field 5.2)
If vital type is Respiration, this is the abnormal low
type, if any.
value (File 120.57, Field 5.6)
If vital type is Pulse, this is the abnormal low value
(File 120.57, Field 5.4)
If vital type is Central Venous Pressure, this is the
abnormal low value (File 120.57, Field 6.2)
piece8 = If vital type is Blood Pressure this is the
abnormal systolic low value (File 120.57, Field 5.8).
If vital type is Central Pressure, this is the abnormal
O2 saturation (File 120.57, Field 6.3)
piece9 = If vital type is Blood Pressure this is the
abnormal diastolic low value (File 120.57, Field 5.81).
where pieceA = C for CATEGORY or Q for QUALIFIER
if pieceA is C, then
pieceB = FILE 120.53 IEN for this category
pieceC = category name (FILE 120.53, Field .01)
pieceD = null
The result array contains:
if pieceB is Q, then
pieceB = FILE 120.52 IEN for this qualifier
pieceC = qualifier name (FILE 120.52, Field .01)
pieceD = synonym (FILE 120.52, Field .02)
> RESULT(1.001)="C^4^QUALITY"
> RESULT(1.002)="Q^42^ACTUAL^A"
> RESULT(1.003)="Q^43^ESTIMATED^E"
> RESULT(1.004)="Q^107^Stated^St"
> RESULT(2.001)="C^2^METHOD"
> RESULT(2.002)="Q^39^OTHER^Oth"
> RESULT(2.003)="Q^50^SITTING^Si"
> RESULT(2.004)="Q^51^STANDING^St"
> RESULT(2.005)="C^4^QUALITY"
> RESULT(2.006)="Q^42^ACTUAL^A"
where n is a sequential number starting with 1