This RPC has been built specifically to process the filing of BCMA
Input -
DFN (r) Pointer to the PATIENT (#2) file
RATE (r) BCMA trigger event/transaction
VTYPE (o) Pointer to GMRV VITAL TYPE FILE (#120.51)
(default = Pain ["PN"])
DTTKN (o) Date/time (FileMan) measurment was taken
(default = $$NOW^XLFDT())
Output - RESULTS(0) = 1
Pain Score data. The processing of other VITAL type may be incorporated
RESULTS(1) ="1^Pain Score successfully filed"
or RESULTS(1) ="-1^ERROR * Pain Score NOT filed
Process results in the storing of VITAL Measurement rate into the VITAL
MEASUREMENT FILE per the given patient and vital type.
with some adjustments.
This routine is to service BCMA 3.0 functionality and store VITALs'
data into the VITAL MEASUREMENT FILE - ^GMR(120.5 using the API