A negative value of the first "^"-piece of the Results[0] indicates that
Results[i] Error Descriptor
^01: Error code
^02: Message
^03: Place of the error
Otherwise, number of reports and number of nodes in each report descriptor
are returned in the Results[0] and the subsequent nodes of the Results
array contain the report parameters extracted from the ROR REPORT
PARAMETERS file (#799.12).
an error occurred during the execution of the remote procedure. In this
Results[0] Result Descriptor
^01: Number of report descriptors returned
in the Results array (NREP)
^02: Number of nodes that make a single
report descriptor (RPN)
Results[1] Report Name
Results[2] Background Processing (0/1)
Results[3] reserved
Results[4] Report Code
case, the second piece of the Results[0] will contain number of the error
Results[5] Report Parameters IEN
Results[6] Inactivation Date (FileMan)
Results[7] National (0/1)
Results[8] List of parameter panels
Results[9] Report Builder ($$TAG^ROUTINE)
Results[10] Default parameters (NAME=VALUE),
separated by '<*>'
Results[11] Default sorting modes (TABLE=FIELD),
separated by '<*>'
descriptors returned in the subsequent nodes of the Results array:
Results[12] Report Name
Results[13] Background Processing (0/1)
You can calculate the subscript of the item RI (from 1 to RPN) of the
report RN (from 1 to NREP) using the following formula: i = (RN-1)*RPN+RI.
Results[0] Result Descriptor
^01: The last error code
^02: Number of the error descriptors