BYREF - Passed by reference, will contain name of a TMP Global housing the results
Subscript L+1-M: Patient's matching ONLY 1 of NAM, DOB, SSN have a weighting of 1 (see Note)
where DFN is the Patient IEN
ZERO_NODE is the data from ^DPT(DFN,0)
NOTE: Potential matches within a weighting (if any) will be sorted by Patient Name
Subscript 0: -1^ERROR_MESSAGE (in the event of an error)
Subscript 0: Number of potential matches found (if no errors)
Subscript 1-K: Patient's matching ALL 3 of NAM, DOB, SSN have a weighting of 3 (see Note)
Subscript K+1-L: Patient's matching ANY 2 of NAM, DOB, SSN have a weighting of 2 (see Note)