Returns an array with these elements in each entry
7 Checkout Completed Date/Time 409.68/.07
8 Encounter IEN 409.68/IEN
9 Encounter Parent IEN 409.68/.06
10 Visit IEN 9000010/IEN
11 Visit Parent IEN 9000010/.12
12 Hospital Location Type 9000010/.22->44/2 C,M,W,Z,N,F,I,OR
13 Hosp. Loc. Non-Count Clinic 9000010/.22->44/2502 Y,N
14 Visit Service Category 9000010/.07 A,H,I,C,T,N,S,O,E,R,D,X
15 Visit Patient Status 9000010/15002 1,0
If DFN is passed:
-1^Patient was not found.
If END DAYS parameter is passed:
-1^End Days must be less than Number of Days
Element Source
1 Patient DFN parameter or 409.68/.02
2 Encounter Date/Time 409.68/.01
3 Provider IEN 9000010.06/.01
4 Primary/Secondary 9000010.06/.04 P, S
5 Stop Code 409.68/.03->40.7/1 AMIS stop code
6 Encounter Type 9000010/15003 P, O, S, A, C