; Successful Return:
file - defaults to Current User
; 5. (text) Added by User Name
; 6. (date/time) Date/Time Inactivated in external format
; 7. (integer) Inactivated by user - Pointer to NEW
; 8. (text) Inactivated by user Name
; 9. (text) Remarks are returned as a single string of
text that may be delimited by carrage return/line feed $c(13,10).
; 1 2 3 4
; Global array containing a list of preferences in which each array
; 5 6 7
; 8 9
; Caught Exception Return:
; A single entry in the Global Array in the format "-1^<error text>"
entry contains preference data separated by ^:
; Unexpected Exception Return:
; Handled by the RPC Broker.
; M errors are trapped by the use of M and Kernel error handling.
; The RPC execution stops and the RPC Broker sends the error
; text back to the client.
; the ^ pieces are as follows:
; 1. (integer) Patient ID - pointer to PATIENT file
; 2. (text) Preference text
; 3. (date/time) Date/Time preference added in external
format - defaults to NOW
; 4. (integer) Added by User - Pointer to NEW PERSON