last made to the Immunization file (based off the Audits). If there
have not been any changes since PXDATE, we will get the status
based off the Inactive Flag, otherwise, we will get the status for
that date by calling GETSTAT^XTID.
1: "IMM"
2: #9999999.14 IEN
3: Name (#.01)
4: CVX Code (#.03)
5: Status (1: Active; 0: Inactive)
6: Selectable for Historic (#8803)
1: 1 - Immunization was found. The "1" node will be returned, but the
7: Mnemonic (#8801)
8: Acronym (#8802)
9: Max # In Series (#.05)
10: Combination Immunization (Y/N) (#.2)
11: Reading Required (#.51)
12: Series Required (calculated)
1: "VIS"
2: #920 IEN
3: Name (#920,#.01)
other nodes are optional.
4: Edition Date (#920,#.02)
5: Edition Status (#920,#.03)
6: Language (#920, #.04)
7: 2D Bar Code (#100)
8: VIS URL (#101)
1: "CDC"
2: CDC Product Name (#9999999.145, #.01)
1: "GROUP"
-1 - Immunization was not found; no other nodes will be returned
2: Vaccine Group Name (#9999999.147, #.01)
2: Synonym (#9999999.141, #.01)
Note: Only active codes (based off PXDATE) are returned.
1: "CS"
2: Coding System (#9999999.143, #.01)
3: Code (#9999999.1431,#.01)
4: Variable pointer. e.g., IEN;ICPT(
5: Short Description
Note: Only active lots for the given division are returned.
Also, the Expiration date must be >= PXDATE
1: "LOT"
2: #9999999.41 IEN
3: Lot Number (#9999999.41, #.01)
4: Manufacturer (#9999999.04, #.01)
5: Expiration Date (#9999999.41, #.09)
6: Doses Unused (#9999999.41, #.12)
Note: Status (in the 5th piece) is determined as follows:
7: Low Supply Alert (#9999999.41, #.15)
8: NDC Code (#9999999.41, #.18)
Note: Only active contraindications are returned
2: #920.4 variable pointer: IEN;PXV(920.4,
3: Name (#920.4, #.01)
4: Status (1:Active, 0:Inactive)
5: Code|Coding System (#920.4, #.02 and .05)
6: NIP004 (#920.4, #.04)
- If PXDATE is today, the status is based off the Inactive Flag
7: Contraindication/Precaution (#920.4, #.06)
8: Allergy-Related (1:Yes, 0:No)
9: Default Warn Until Date ("Forever" means it should be forever)
1: "DEF"
2: Default Route (#920.051, #1302)
3: Default Site (#920.051, #1303)
4: Default Dose (#920.051, #1312)
5: Default Dose Units (#920.051, #1313)
6: Default Dose Units (external format) (#920.051, #1313)
7: Default Non-Standard Dose Units (#920.051, #1314)
1: "DEFC"
2: Default Comments (#920.051, #81101)
- If PXDATE is different than today, we will look when an update was