This RPC is used to delete any test patient data from the EVENT CAPTURE
This RPC can be invoked in two modes. The first mode, "I" is for
gathering information about the account, the date/time of the last
deletion, the user who ran the deletion and the status of the deletion
process. The second mode, "D", is for deleting patient records as defined
Care should be used when running this RPC as the data cannot be restored
once it's deleted. In addition, this process could take a while to
complete. The amount of time needed will vary based on the total number
of records to be reviewed and the total number of records to be deleted.
PATIENT file (#721).
If the patient is identified as a test patient and the procedure
associated with the test patient record is not in the range of CH103 to
CH109 then the record will be deleted. If the procedure is in this range
for a test patient, the record will not be deleted. Test patients, with
procedures in this range, are allowed for recording Chaplain workload.
Depending on the mode, the return results will vary.
For the "I"nformational mode, the return value will be account type (test
or production)^network name^date/time deletion last completed^user who
last ran the deletion^status of the deletion (0 not running/1 running).
For the "D"eletion mode, the return value will be 0 if the task couldn't
be queued to run in the background or 1 to indicate that it was
successfully tasked to the background.