This API returns all psychological test administrations for a specified
CODE: Test code from file 601 including "ASI" and "GAF"
e.g. "CAGE", "BDI"
BEGIN: inclusive date in %DT acceptable format (11/11/2011) to
begin search [optional]
END: inclusive date in %DT acceptable format (11/11/2011)
to end search [optional]
LIMIT: constrains to the last N administrations [optional]
Scale: scale number from file 601 or 1-7 on ASI [optional]
patient during a specified time period for a specified test or
YSDATA(x)= internal administration date ^ external administration
date^test code [^scale name^raw score^transformed score]
Data is sorted in order of most recent administration to the oldest
administration. If no administrations are found Array(2) will not be
returned. If patient has no psych testing at all ,an error will be
instrument. If a scale is also specified, scoring for that scale is
returned. User must have adequate privileges to receive this information
(i.e. often the YSP KEY).
DFN : patient internal identifier