Piece 7: Percent match between copied text and pasted text
Piece 8: Number of lines of pasted text
Piece 9: Capturing Application
Piece 10: Date/Time of the copy from document
ORY(1..n,1..n) - Pasted text
Or Error condition:
ORY - "-1^Error Msg"
ORY(-1)=Error Message
ORY - Total number of unique entries
0RY(1..n,0) -
Piece 1: Date/Time of the paste
Piece 2: User who pasted text
Piece 3: Copy from location (ien;package)
Piece 4: Copy from document title
Piece 5: Copy from document author (duz;name(last,first m))
Piece 6: Copy from Patient (dfn;name(last,first m))