Name | Value |
DESCRIPTION | The RPC serves several groups of patients In addition to that, the pop-up window with detailed OTH information will be displayed in CPRS when the user clicks on the button and when the system needs to warn users. 2) Presumptive Psychosis (PP) patients: Registered with PP 'Indicator' = Yes and a category selected Registered by using the "workaround" process a) that the VA started using prior to introduction of PP indicator/categories to identify PP patients b) and also prevents billing 1) Other Than Honorable (OTH) patients: Registered with both PP indicator/category selected and with the "workaround" process/fields populated For PP patients the "PP" label will be displayed in the button in the CPRS header in the first line. For PP patients with categories the 2nd line of the button will display the category. In addition to that, the pop-up window with detailed PP information will be displayed in CPRS when the user clicks on the button. With EMERGENT MH OTH care type 3) Patients with inactive Patient Record Flags (PRF): High Risk of Suicide flag Missing patients flag For patients with inactive PRF flags the "Inactive PRF" label will be displayed in the 1st line of the button in the CPRS header if the patient does not have PP or OTH settings in file. And it will be displayed in the 2nd line of the button if patient has PP or OTH settings. The 'OTH' 90 days period information will not be shown on the second line With EXTENDED MH OTH care type of the button if the patient is both OTH (90) and has inactive HRfS or Missing Patient National Category I PRF(s). Instead 'Inact.PRF' will be the second line. The PP 'category' will not be shown on the second line of the button if the patient is both PP and has inactive HRfS or Missing Patient National Category I PRF(s).Instead 'Inact.PRF' will be the second line. In addition to that, the pop-up window will display: - the history of the PRF assignment actions - and, optionally, either PP or OTH informational text as it is For the EXTENDED MH OTH, the "OTH-EXT" label will be displayed in the pertinent to the patient and described in sections above. Note: PP and OTH registrations are mutually exclusive, a patient cannot be registered as both. CPRS button in the CPRS header. For the EMERGENT MH OTH, the "OTH" label and OTH 90 days period information will be displayed in the OTH button in the CPRS header. |
RETURN PARAMETER DESCRIPTION | The array that is returned by this RPC is as follows: RET(0) - number of lines to return Example for PP category without PP workaround settings (the mailman will be also sent to the DGEN ELIGIBILITY ALERT group in DGOTHBT2): RET(0)=6 RET(1)="PP^Presumptive Psychosis Authority, click for details" RET(2)="Dec^VETERAN DECLINES ENROLLMENT" RET(3)="Eligible for mental health care only under Presumptive Psychosis" RET(4)="Authority: VETERAN DECLINES ENROLLMENT." RET(5)="Patients who experienced MST are eligible for MST related mental" RET(6)="health and medical care." ^ RET(1) = text for the 1st line on the button ^Text to display when Example for inactive PRFs: RET(0)=23 RET(1)="Inactive Flag^Patient has Inactive Flag(s), click to view" RET(2)=" " RET(3)="Flag name: HIGH RISK FOR SUICIDE Status: INACTIVE" RET(4)=" Initial Assigned Date: OCT 12, 2020@16:27:10" RET(5)=" Originating Site: CAMP MASTER" RET(6)=" Owner Site: CAMP MASTER" RET(7)=" CAMP MASTER changes:" RET(8)=" DATE/TIME: NOV 25, 2020@10:45:44 ACTION: INACTIVATE" hover over the 1st line on the button RET(9)=" BAY PINES VAMC changes:" RET(10)=" DATE/TIME: NOV 25, 2020@10:19:17 ACTION: REACTIVATE" RET(11)=" CAMP MASTER changes:" RET(12)=" DATE/TIME: NOV 24, 2020@09:26:06 ACTION: INACTIVATE" RET(13)=" NEW YORK HHS changes:" RET(14)=" DATE/TIME: NOV 24, 2020@09:25:30 ACTION: CONTINUE" RET(15)=" *****additional info is in vista*****" RET(16)=" " RET(17)="Flag name: MISSING PATIENT Status: INACTIVE" RET(18)=" Initial Assigned Date: OCT 12, 2020@16:27:54" RET(2) = text for the 2nd line on the button^Text to display when hover RET(19)=" Originating Site: CAMP MASTER" RET(20)=" Owner Site: CAMP MASTER" RET(21)=" CAMP MASTER changes:" RET(22)=" DATE/TIME: DEC 01, 2020@12:06:47 ACTION: INACTIVATE" RET(23)=" *****additional info is in vista*****" over the 2nd line on the button RET(3) = text for the 1st line of the button-click popup message ^ Text for the 1st line of the warning popup message (see the example for the OTH-90 below) RET(>3)= text lines for the rest of the text in the popup message when the user clicks on the button or for the warning popup message NOTE: empty or null values in array elements greater than 3 will not be displayed on the CPRS side. Enter at least a blank space in the piece to include a blank line in the displayed text. Example for OTH-EXT: RET(0)=6 RET(1)="OTH-EXT^Other than Honorable, click for details" RET(2)=" " RET(3)="Other than Honorable - Extended" RET(4)="Eligible for Mental Health care only" If RET(0)<0 : error code less than zero ^ error message - it is an error, RET(5)="Not time limited - pending VBA adjudication" RET(6)="Adjudication will determine eligibility for continuing care" Example for OTH-90 with zero days remaining: RET(0)=10 RET(1)="OTH^Other than Honorable, click for details" RET(2)="0D,P1^Zero days remaining in the most recent period" RET(3)="Other Than Honorable Status" RET(4)=" " RET(5)="Zero days remaining in the most recent period^WARNING: EMERGENT and do not display anything MH OTH" RET(6)="^Zero days remaining in the most recent period." RET(7)="^Authorization from VISN Chief Medical Officer is required for an additional 90-Day period." RET(8)=" " RET(9)="Call Registration team for details." RET(10)="Clinician: Determine and document in 1st line of Progress Note if MH treatment related to service." Example for OTH-90 with less than 7 days remaining: RET(0)=10 RET(1)="OTH^Other than Honorable, click for details" RET(2)="5D,P1^5 day(s) remaining in the current period" RET(3)="Other Than Honorable Status" RET(4)=" " RET(5)="5 day(s) remaining in the current period^WARNING: EMERGENT MH OTH" RET(6)="^Less than 7 day(s) remaining in the current period." RET(7)="^Authorization from VISN Chief Medical Officer is required for an additional 90-Day period." If RET(0)=0 : then do not display anything RET(8)=" " RET(9)="Call Registration team for details." RET(10)="Clinician: Determine and document in 1st line of Progress Note if MH treatment related to service." Example for OTH-90 with more than 7 days remaining: RET(0)=8 RET(1)="OTH^Other than Honorable, click for details" RET(2)="80D,P1^80 day(s) remaining in the current period" RET(3)="Other Than Honorable Status" RET(4)=" " RET(5)="80 day(s) remaining in the current period" RET(6)=" " RET(7)="Call Registration team for details." RET(8)="Clinician: Determine and document in 1st line of Progress Note if MH treatment related to service." Example for PP workaround settings only: RET(0)=7 RET(1)="PP^Presumptive Psychosis Authority, click for details" If RET(0)>0 : see the description below: RET(2)="^" RET(3)="Eligible for mental health care only under Presumptive Psychosis" RET(4)="Authority." RET(5)="PP Category: No value was selected as PP Indicator is not completed." RET(6)="Patients who experienced MST are eligible for MST related mental" RET(7)="health and medical care." Example for PP workaround settings and PP category: RET(0)=7 RET(1)="PP^Presumptive Psychosis Authority, click for details" RET(2)="Fsm^Former Service Member with prior OTH discharge; should now be post-adjudication." RET(3)="Eligible for mental health care only under Presumptive Psychosis" RET(4)="Authority: Former Service Member with prior OTH discharge;" RET(5)="should now be post-adjudication." RET(6)="Patients who experienced MST may be eligible for MST-related care;" RET(7)="check with Eligibility for specifics." |