Call the ICE web service to get the list of recommended immunizations for
a given patient.
The RPC takes one parameter, the Patient IEN (DFN).
See the RETURN PARAMETER DESCRIPTION for the details on the format of the
returned array.
There must be at least one entry defined in File 920.75, PX ICE WEB
SERVER. If there is more than one entry, then the Site Parameter, PX ICE
WEB DEFAULT SERVER, specifies which entry is to be used.
If Unsuccessful:
n) = If SOAP call was unsuccessful, this will be the message returned
by the ICE server.
If Successful:
0) = 1 ^ Number of Lines
n) = GRP ^ Vaccine Group Name ^ Group/CVX Code Recommended ^ Group/CVX
Display Name ^ Earliest Recommended Date ^ Overdue Date ^ Recommend
Code ^ Recommend Display Name ^ Doses Remaining
1: GRP
2: Vaccine Group Name - This is the vaccine group for this
0) = -X^Error Message
3: Group/CVX Code Recommended - Vaccine or vaccine group
recommended. If a specific vaccine is recommended, this will
be the CVX code, in the format C:CVX_Code. More commonly, this
will be populated with the vaccine group, in the format
4: Group/CVX Display Name - Display Name for CVX/Group in piece
5: Earliest Recommended Date
6: Overdue Date
Note: -X can be one of the following values:
7: Recommend Code (currently either RECOMMENDED,
8: Recommend Display Name
9: Doses Remaining
n) = RSN ^ Reason Code ^ Reason Display Name
Note: This is the reason(s) for the recommendation above.
1: RSN
2: Reason Code
3: Reason Display Name
-1: Invalid input
n) = HIST ^ V Immunization IEN ^ Immunization Name ^ Administered CVX
Code ^ Admin date/time ^ Dose Number ^ Component CVX Code ^ CVX
Display Name ^ Validity Code ^ Validity Display Name
2: V Immunization IEN (#9000010.11 IEN)
3: Immunization Name (#9999999.14, #.01)
4: Administered CVX Code (#9999999.14, #.03)
5: Admin date/time
6: Dose Number
7: Component CVX Code (for combination vaccines, this can defer
-2: Could not make SOAP call (e.g., URL not populated in
from the CVX administered)
8: CVX Display Name
9: Validity Code
10: Validity Display Name
n) = RSN ^ Reason Code ^ Reason Display Name
Note: This is the reason(s) why the vaccine is valid, invalid or
1: RSN
2: Reason Code
3: Reason Display Name
920.75, etc.)
-3: HTTP call returned unsuccessful status code (i.e.,
Server returned status code other than 200)
-4: Unable to process incoming message from ICE