After the DICOM image is acquired and processed, this RPC is used to update
field in the IMAGE file (#2005). The following fields are updated
6 ----- PROCEDURE - copied from original JPEG.DCM IMAGE entry
40 ---- PACKAGE INDEX - copied from original JPEG.DCM IMAGE entry
42 ---- TYPE INDEX - copied from original JPEG.DCM IMAGE entry -
45 ---- ORIGIN - copied from original JPEG.DCM IMAGE entry
113.3 - STATUS REASON - pointer to ^MAG(2005.8,19)
Return has counts in five "^" fields
1 - Number of file updated that have already been completed
2 - Number of file updates that have been performed on this call
3 - Number of images that have not yet been processed
4 - Error #1 - ^MAG(2006.59935,D0,0) entry is missing
5 - Error #2 - SOP Instance UID is missing in ^MAG(2006.59935,D0,0), piece-7