Returns patient team assignment summary information.
They have been combined into piece 1. Piece 1 is calculated by PCMM Web
and written to Outpatient Profile/CPRS Header Text (404.41/.06), where it
is read by the RPC code. There may also be labels indicating Pending or
Remote assignments. If no value is found, piece 1 will contain "No PACT
assigned at any VA location"
If called by other than CPRS, returns original format:
Primary Care Team^PCP^Attending^Associate Provider^MH Treatment
Coordinator/MH Team^Inpatient Provider
Mental Health team name has been added to piece 5.
If called by CPRS
Site Name PACT: Primary Care Team/PCP/AP^^Attending^^MH Treatment
Coordinator/MH Team^Inpatient Provider
NOTE: Pieces 2 and 4 are no longer returned as separate data elements.