1. The Care Coordinator monitors measurements and/or individual
4. Veteran and/or caregiver understand proper setup and procedure
for in-home monitoring.
5. Veteran and/or caregiver understand the confidentiality of
health information.
6. Veteran and/or caregiver understand that he/she must follow
his/her normal emergency plan for any emergency.
responses to questions directly related to the Veteran's chronic
7. Veteran and/or caregiver understand that his/her in home
messaging/monitoring device is not a 911 or emergency device.
8. Veteran and/or caregiver understand how to contact Home Telehealth
staff for any questions, problems with equipment, or concerns.
2. The Care Coordinator responds/intervenes timely to alerts
indicating need.
3. The Care Coordinator updates the Veteran's provider routinely and
as needed.