As systems manager, you are responsible for granting access to your system.
file access. The only instance when file access is checked during the use
of an option is when VA FileMan becomes directly involved.
In an option the application programmer controls access to the initial
file. File access is not checked. Within the option, however, the
application may call VA FileMan to point to another file. Then file access
is checked since VA FileMan, not the application, is operative.
So you must grant file access whenever VA FileMan is directly governing
user activity. This will primarily concern your VA FileMan users, people
You must gauge the needs of each user and assign an appropriate degree of
with DIUSER as a menu option, who will need to have file access. Hence,
the [PURPOSE] of granting file access is to control the use of VA FileMan.
access authority. Too much may risk the security of your system while too
little may inhibit productive activity.
Application packages are distributed with menus for different groups of
users. Menus and keys are provided which control access to the application
files. File entries and associated attribute fields may be displayed,
edited, or deleted according to the design of the option regardless of any