* Restrictions - This field is only applicable to PRIVATE mail groups.
It provides the opportunity for the Organizer of the mail group to
decide who may address (send messages to) this PRIVATE mail group.
If 0 (zero) or null, then the group is unrestricted, and all members
may address the group. If 1, then only the organizer may address
the group, and the group becomes a personal group.
* Reference Count - How many times the mail group has been referenced
* Allow Self-Enrollment? - This field is only applicable to PUBLIC mail
groups. Is self-enrollment allowed ('Yes' or 'No')?
If 'Yes', you can enroll yourself in or disenroll yourself from a mail
group. If 'No' or null, you must contact the Coordinator or Organizer
of the mail group to either enroll you in or disenroll you from the group.
Note: Depending on the site, you may be able to disenroll from a non-
self-enrolling group. (This is controlled by field 22 in file 4.3.)