foreground as usual.
For example, let's assume that IRM set our [BIG GROUP SIZE] field to 100.
If we were to address a message to a mail group with 100 or more members,
it would be considered a 'large' mail group and MailMan would ask us if we
wanted to 'later' delivery to this group. Conversely, any mail addressed
to a mail group whose total number of members was less than 100 would be
considered a 'small-' to 'medium-sized' group and MailMan would not ask us
if we wanted to deliver the message at a later date and time.
If you need to selectively remove (minus) members from the group, you
NOTE: A mail group is also considered large if it contains another mail
group or a distribution list.
should not 'later' the delivery of the message to that group.
If the total number of members in a mail group is equal to or greater than
the value in the [BIG GROUP SIZE] field, the mail group is considered to
be a 'large' mail group and treated accordingly. Conversely, if the total
number of members in a mail group are less than this number, they will be
treated as 'small-' to 'medium-sized' mail groups and processed in the