a specified number of days after it is delivered to you. (Default is not
to set any vaporize date.) This action will only apply to messages which
are put into your mailbox (includes moving from the WASTE basket) as a
result of delivery or latering. It won't apply to messages which are
already in your mailbox.
* Do NOT mark the message as NEW. (Default is to mark the message as NEW.)
This action will only apply to messages which you have not seen before.
* Forward the message to others (including H. and D. devices). This action
When a filter is activated during message delivery, in addition to directing
will only apply once per message. It won't apply to confidential, closed, or
otherwise sensitive messages. It won't apply to messages from you to yourself.
a message to a specific basket, you can direct MailMan to perform additional
optional actions on the message. (Note that these actions are not performed
when a filter is activated as a result of the 'FI' Filter basket action.)
Optional filter actions during message delivery are:
* Set the message VAPORIZE date to delete the message from your mailbox