For an application IN REVIEW, the link to the VISTA database has been
Actions that may be performed for IN REVIEW Applications are:
[AF] Accept Field
[AZ] Accept All
[CZ] Clear All
[RZ] Reset to New
[PZ] Print 1010EZ
[VZ] Verify Signature
[UF] Update Field
established. If the applicant is linked to an existing patient, the data
[IZ] Inactivate 1010EZ
from that patient record is displayed on the screen along side the 10-10EZ
data for comparison. If the applicant cannot be matched to an existing
patient record, then a new patient record is created. Of course, in that
case, no comparison data can be displayed.
If the linkage is found to be incorrect, the enrollment clerk will need
to reset the status of the application back to NEW and restart the process.