These are the six levels of access. Any or all may be enabled for each of
VA FileMan access code, DUZ(0), will be checked. Access will be limited if
the user's DUZ(0) doesn't contain a character matching the field protection.
Again, DUZ(0)=@ will override this restriction.
The last two kinds of access - DD and audit - pertain to the structure of
the file itself. While this provides a generous scope for VA FileMan
data dictionary modification, it falls short of, for example, deleting a
file or field protected with '@'.
The same applies to templates. If the template is protected, the user who
the user's accessible files. This is done by changing the field value from
has access to the file will not have VA FileMan access to the template
unless there is a match in the DUZ(0) character string.
null to 'YES'. This flag is overriden for programmer-users whose DUZ(0)=@.
Granting all of the first four levels of access - read, write, delete, and
laygo - will permit adding and deleting file entries as well as editing
their attribute field data values. This will be true unless the attribute
field has been protected. If so, that is, if there is a read, write, or
delete protection within the data dictionary for a given field, the user's