3. [SHOW] messages already in user's mailbox
4. [PUT] messages into user's 'IN' basket
The procedure may be followed steps 1 thru 4. Steps 2 and 3 exist only
so that the user may see the message count, and determine whether all
messages should be recovered via the load option. If a user has received
900 messages that are recovered, it may be well to allow him/her to recover
a small portion of them manually.
Alternatively, the user should be encouraged to use the [SEARCH] option
The 'Recover Messages' option enables you to find all messages still on
to find messages. This option is much more powerful, in that the user can
tailor it with multiple search criteria.
the system which were ever sent to a particular user, and deliver them
to that user if they're not already in that user's mailbox. Obviously,
this is sledgehammer approach to recovering from some disaster that
happened to that poor user. There are four parts to this process.
1. [FIND] lost messages
2. [LIST] the messages that were found