Name | Value |
TEXT | your production account, it would be either FORUM or GK. For other accounts, it may be the production account. In any case, an account can't be its own parent. The parent is the site that mail is directed to if your site can't figure out (it's not in your Domain file) how to direct mail to another site. The hope is, of course, that the parent site will know. NOTE: Do NOT change the NAME (field #.01) in your production account. Name changes must be coordinated with national VA DNS administrators and MailMan developers, and must be done via a MailMan patch. For non-production accounts, you should use the XMCHRIS option to perform any name changes, and Here are some Site Parameters in file 4.3 which affect the site: make sure these changes are reflected in the Domain files of other accounts which communicate with that account. Use TIME ZONE (field #1) to indicate which time zone your site is in. If your time zone shifts twice a year ("fall back and spring ahead"), then you must change this field manually. Don't forget! The time zone is attached to the date field of every message sent to another site. Use PARENT (field #3) to indicate the PARENT domain for your site. For |
DATE ENTERED | 2002-05-07 08:17:00 |