Name | Value |
TEXT | S displays the abbreviation of the Status. M displays the abbreviation of the Module/Version. U displays the initials of the Specialist opening the call. P displays an abbreviation of the Priority for the call. Any, all, or none of these letters may be entered. The order is always S, M, U, P displaying between the Call ID and Call Subject. When you edit these defaults, the list must be rebuilt to show the changes. You can change to this same list to have it rebuilt. Changing the List Display The default list display on the NOIS Calls screen is the Call ID and Call Subject. You can add additional items to the display by editing your user defaults on the hidden menu. There is a field, list display, in the NOIS Specialist files. You can include any of the letters S, M, U, and/or P. |
DATE ENTERED | 1994-01-09 19:07:25 |