ECDISSUM (1276)    HELP FRAME (9.2)

Name Value
HEADER Disabled Category & Procedure Summary Report
** You must have locations, DSS Units, local categories, and procedures 
those categories, this report displays the EC screens that now have 
disabled categories.
All procedures print for each disabled category.  
The print and preview report output includes the headers:
 - Run Date 
 - Location 
 - Service 
defined before using this option. ** 
 - DSS Unit
 - DSS Unit IEN
 - Send Status  
 - DSS Dept 
 - Procedure Code
 - Procedure Name
 - Synonym
 - Clinic IEN/Clinic Name/Stop Code/Credit Stop/CHAR4 code/MCA Labor Code
The report also includes, within the text of the report, the disabled 
category name, the DSS Unit status, and the Event Code Screen status.
The Excel export report output fields are the same as above along 
with the CPT code. The exported report does not include the run date.
** This report can be printed or exported as a reference guide for data 
entry personnel at your facility. **
This option allows you to print/display ECS categories that have been 
disabled for one or all DSS Units within a specified location.  If your 
DSS Units have categories enabled and have Event Code Screens defined to 
DATE ENTERED 2015-11-24 14:33:16