A menu template is a set of menu options that can be called at
No jumping is allowed during the creation of a template because how
you got there may be as important as the target option. All templates
begin execution with your primary (sign-on) menu.
At the "Select...Option" prompt you may respond by typing:
1. An option from the menu presented to include that
option in the template you are creating,
2. '?' to get a brief help message,
3. '??' to see your primary, secondary, and common options,
any menu prompt. This list of options will be executed from the top
4. '+' to store the template in your Person file, or
5. '^' to abandon the creation process and return to
the regular menu system.
of the list to the bottom and then the user will be asked if he/she
wants to execute that set of options again. Each menu template is
stored in the person file with a unique name associated with it. A
menu template is envoked by typing a [left, square bracket] followed by
the template name.
To create a menu template you will be led step-by-step through
your menu trees, selecting an option from each menu presented.