organisms will not report values for susceptibility testing. Mycobacteria
will display antimicrobial testing on detailed reports only. Including
other types of organisms can be helpful where it is useful to see all
organisms isolated.
The types of organisms selected restricts any specific organism that might
be selected. Therefore, if you wish to obtain reports for only the
organisms of Giardia lamblia and Salmonella, then Parasite and Bacteria
must have been selected in order to select those organisms at the 'Select
Organism:' prompts.
Types of Organisms
All reports can be restricted to specific types of organisms. The types of
organisms include: Bacteria, Fungus, Mycobacteria, Parasite, and Virus.
Any or all of the types can be selected. The default for all reports is to
include only Bacteria.
Since only bacteria have the usual antibiotic data, other types of