These options are used to allocate and deallocate holders
When done specifying the lists, you will be shown those keys and users
you have selected and you will be asked if you wish to proceed. If you
respond with a 'no' you may go back and edit your selection. Otherwise
the keys will then be assigned to the users specified.
You may 'de-select' a key or user by prefacing it with a '-'. You can
also use a MAIL GROUP to select a group of users.
of security keys. The assignment of keys can be done in groups, or
individually. You will be prompted to list keys and users. You may assign
a single key to a group of users, or multiple keys to an individual user
or multiple keys to a group of users.
You will be prompted for the [KEY] and the [HOLDER].
Specify each, one at a time, terminating the last with a <return>.
For additional help on these prompts type '?'.